Long story short: I threw a Bday party for my newly faded hubby a few weeks ago. Well, one of the guests ran into hubby's jw father & said "Yeah, it was great to hang out with ___________ @ his birthday party the other day!" (to which the jw father later told us he acted totally cool and went along with it but was like inside). But then he approached us a few days later and said, "whatever you guys do is your business. But it'd be great if you could think about what you do. And maybe just call it a "happy Monday" party instead. You wouldn't want that info to get into the wrong hands." I wasn't angry with my father-in-law, but kinda pissed at the situation. NO, i will NOT call it a "HAPPY Monday" party! I keep contemplating discussing my feelings about the Borg with my in-laws & just coming out and saying that our future children WILL get birthday cupcakes in their classroom when the time comes. They already know that I don't practice the jw lifestyle, but I dont think they realize the extent that I DO go (Xmas/Bdays)....
Hubby says just to do what I wanna do and deal with their reactions when the time comes. I feel like I just want to get it over with and tell them (99% positive they wouldnt turn us into the elders). It kinda feels like a weight on my shoulders and thinking of those future "happy" times kinda leaves me with a pit in my stomach knowing certain people in his family are going to FREAK OUT.
What would YOU do?