"Directing" People to Jesus or the Organization?

by compound complex 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Fellow JWNers:

    I dreamed last night that I caught hell for doing the above vis-a-vis a potential Bible student [aka "Bible study"].

    If, as a Christian JW, you directed an individual more toward freedom of thought and choice, would that take the Society's element of control totally out of the equation?

    Is so-called Christian freedom compatible with spiritual structure, as it were, and unity of brotherhood?



    PS: I'm really going on my walk - NOW!

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    I dreamed last night that I caught hell for doing the above [directing a student to Jesus] vis-a-vis a potential Bible student [aka "Bible study"].

  • wobble

    At the beginning of my fade, I was invited to go along on a bible study, and I went to be subversive. I could not keep it up though, it was too dis-honest, and I had to be so careful what I said , as the Bro. taking the study was a born-again uber-dub.

    It would be interesting to freely conduct a study and show them the way to Jesus, but of course that is in the opposite direction to the Kingdom Hall, and I think the Elders would want to know what had happened to their newbie, after all it took a million FS hours to find that one, now he has gone off to Jesus !



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Wobble:

    Thank you for that personal account.

    A sister/friend brought the CO's wife on a Bible study years ago, telling her that it was actually going to be a Bible study [i.e., no WT publications].

    It did not go over well!

    I appreciate your reply.



  • compound complex
  • yknot

    At one time it all depended on your local BOE.

    However the Org has morphed into the type of hierarchical structure it once villified with no signs of stopping.

    Should Jesus' first coming had happened now he would have labeled the WTS leaders 'vipers' before heading out to hang with those filthy unworthies called 'apostates'......


    yeah but how do you get to Jesus when you are told you dont understand the Bible?

    "All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave." (Watchtower; Oct. 1, 1994; p. 8)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Yknot and LUKEWARM:

    Your much appreciated comments cause me to reflect upon my usually subdued anger over such arrogant declarations as that quoted from the '94 WT.

    I feel a rage coming on so will cease further publication ...

    For now....

    Very gratefully to you both,


  • wobble


    My sister came out with a comment similar to the WT you quoted,replying to my "the truth of the bible is easy to understand", she said:

    " Nobody who has studied the Bible on their own has come to the same conclusions as the WT"

    I was dumbstruck, didn't that tell her ANYTHING ? Nope. same old circular reasoning, they have the truth coz they say so.



  • designs

    So wobble, do you think Witnesses are Christians. What do you think is going to happen to them and their eternal life.


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