my disfellowshipped hub is not interested and neither is my friend its like they want to just shut it all out and any mention just brings back bad memories of being disfellowshipped . i could understand if they still were scared of apostates and all that rubbish but they dont believe in anything ! which prooves my point about a lot of folk in the "truth" that they are there by chace or because they were born in and dont know anything different or scared of dying at armaggedon , its not really about a deep love for god and a wish to do his will and enjoy spreading "the good news" which is "you are all going to die soon" how could someone who was a pioneer and appeared "spiritual"and was considered elder material go from that to not believing in god at all ? and not appearing to care either way or show an interest in how they were conned into believing a lie and why ?
why are some ex jws not at all interested in this site despite not believing anymore
by looloo 23 Replies latest jw experiences
I know former Witnesses who are just not interested in this stuff either. (My father in law for example) I think we are in a minority actually who are still interested in WT news and discussion even after we no longer believe it. Well in my case I still go to meetings occasionally. As for some of you who have been out for years... well I don't know what your excuse is. (Actually some of the best posters fall in this category - so please stay!)
And countless posters have simply "drifted away" from this site after leaving the Witnesses and getting on with their lives. Seattleniceguy springs to mind. I wonder how he is doing.
How come some people don`t like Hot Dogs?......Or..Broccoli?........................Same thing...................................LOL!!...OUTLAW
SeattleNiceGuy is doing great! For a while he was doing videos on Youtube.. I think under the name "HopefulAtheist".
I think some just get bored... others just move on... If they come back to take a peek, they'll see completely different people (for the most part) and it can be hard to get back into the groove. That was my experience when I rarely came here for a couple years.
Some just have different ways of coping...
Witness 007
This site has around afew THOUSAND registered posters.....90% have purged themselves and have moved on!
The Almighty Homer
Most likely hurtful memories come back or they get reminded of how applying stupid they were for joining the JWS in the first place.
Those are big and important reasons that come to mind.
My brother has no interest at all in things "xjw"
It's kinda ironic in a sense as I was never fully in with the "program", didn't have many dub friends and left in my teens whereas he got baptized and was very socially active in the org until he was DF'd in his mid 20s. You would think he would have much to resolve, more than I but to each their own. He and I are opposites in many ways, this being one.
One reason might be threads like this:
his parents are still covinced he "knows its the truth" but the actual truth is he just does not and said he was actually just a robot "going through the motions "when an active dub so i presume god would realise that , so how many dubbys are actually genuine or just like my hub ? does any of this ring true to any of you or did you feel you were doing gods will and loved being in "the truth" by their fruits you shall know them ! confusing his parents even misunderstood his coolnest towards them when having to see them as him being humble and knowing his place as a disfellowshipped person !!!!!! and not wanting to make them uncomfortable it was actually because he cant be bothered with them and the cult mentality they have and soon put them straight when he was made aware of how pleased they were with him for being humble !!!!!!! he does not appear to give a damn about them but he must do , hes a closed book and i think he could do with counselling .