The brothers mettled with his Thriller LP. Remember the disclaimer. A brother from Bethel came to dedicate our hall (Lawrenceville GA) during the Thriller craze: he told us Michael had been publicly reproved. We asked if it was for Thriller and he told us that they were more concerned about Billy Jean.
When the Jacksons were on the Victory Tour, Michael would go to different congos near each city on the tour route and go out in service. We had a sister named Dinah who knew the sister who would arrange this for Michael. So Michael went out in service with the Cartersville, GA congo. I wasn't there. According to all that were, Michael wore a disguise. He went door to door with Dinah and her family. But at every door, Dinah's youngest would tell the householder who he was. So they sent her to work with someone else. But from across the street, the little girl would call out loudly, "That's Michael Jackson!!" Dinah had pictures of Michael with her family in service.
That wasn't too long before he came out with Bad and other defiant songs. We were told that Michael actually disassociated himself. I'm sure he got sick to death of being hounded and just quit.