I got to thinking about something that happened a year ago. I was drifting away from the org, when my sister-in-law told me I was being selfish. She said she was at aloss for words as to what to tell her 11 year old daughter about me. That really bothered me. I'm sure several of you have stories similar. WHat guilt trips were used on you to keep you borgatized?
Guilt trip
by vikesgirl101 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL I was once told that I was being used by Satan.
By the time I was 1, my whole family was at least studying and going to meetings except me. My mom and stepfather told me that I was the only reason the devil was in their house.
When I was petitioning the elders for help with an abusive jw husband, an elder told me that at least I was guaranteed a resurrection into the new system if he killed me.
I'm sure if you sat in a kh or convention and marked down each time guilt/fear was used as the motivating tool(s), you would see a clear pattern of jw philosophy
That I would never get to see my dad again in the ressurection.
Well, by telling me to just meet men, they threw away the use of that tool to keep me in.
1 elder told me it was my fault I was abused by my ex-husband because I married him unbaptised. Therefore, there was no holy spirit on our marriage so it was all my fault... What an a** hole...
kitten whiskers
"You know it's the truth"-my sister
"They may not have everything right, but they're the best out there."-my mother
"You have to take the scripture in context"-my best girlfriend, to which I replied "Exactly." and never had another conversation with her.
I am on the other side. I used the guilt trips on others!!!
My husband was an esteemed elder, my car and home were always show-time ready, and I always underlined my WT magazine, even if I had to do it fifteen minutes before the meeting (that I was early for, so as to socialize) to be a good example for others in the congregation.
My daughter, from the time she first went to a meeting (at two weeks I think) wore a dress to every meeting and out in service.
Why couldn't others follow my example? Laziness, poor organizational skills, spiritual weakness (particularly bothersome to me).
Illness? I did my talks even when sick....took enough tylenol to get through them...it was my responsibility....why couldn't others do the same?
Taking a job that required weekend work? Saving for retirement? Disobedient!! Not enough faith!!
Higher education? I wanted to go to school, but hubbie said it would set a bad example...
Oh, yes....marry an unbaptised person? Headed for trouble...disobedience....
I dressed as I saw the women in WT and Awake magazines do...in fact, I'd look for outfits that looked similar to those I saw in the magazines.
In other words, I was eveything a witness should be...mindlessly obedient, looking down on others that were not quick to conform. When the new system came, many that were not exerting themselves would not make it in, of course, but I wasnt' going to let that happen to me!
My dad was a spit and polished marine...always "squared away" and I guess I had that same mentality at the other extreme of the spectrum...the congregation.
Now I realize I probably could have had a great career in the military, but people in families generally don't fit into neat military-like molds.
I'll stop now, as I am sure everyone has heard enough!
The guilt was used on me,"your little nieces and nephews are so sad that you have left Jehovah"
I saw then that they had no way to prove they had the truth,so the guilt did not come upon me. Nasty little trick though isn't it ?
Also, what kind of Witness would I be if I returned just for emotional reasons ?