Ich verstehe sie nicht.
And that is the extent of my high school German.
by bluecanary 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Ich verstehe sie nicht.
And that is the extent of my high school German.
Bible Student,
Please read posting rule eight at the bottom of the page under the reply box.
Thank you,
maybe bible student thinks talking in another language will persuade us he is messiah or a prophet?
speculation I know but huh!!!!!!
What does that mean to those of us who don't speak German?
The German word for constipation: fahrfrumpupen.
Der Bibelstudent. Kannst du es auf Englisch bitte ubersetzen? Vielen Dank!
Six years ago the world was still in order. On the occasion of the 50-year existence of the United Nations wrote to the "Watchtower" in its edition dated 1 October 1995 under the heading "50 years of failed efforts:" In the biblical prophecy human governments are often caused by wild animals illustrates. Therefore, in the magazine 'The Watchtower' for many decades, the wild animals from Revelation, Chapter 13 and 17 than today's secular governments interpreted. These include the Organization of the United Nations, in Revelation chapter 17 as a scarlet-colored animal with seven heads and ten horns is described. "1 In fact, this comparison in the magazines and books of the Watchtower Society often bemüht.2
In the summer of 1996, the Jehovah's Witnesses on the United Nations, read: "Yes, [they] were really an idol, a 'hideous thing' in the eyes of God and his people." 3 With what feelings might numerous witnesses, the façade of UN perceived that their New York building in sight of the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses is located?
The image of the heinousness of the UN in 1999, was tried. In the "Watchtower" stated: "Jehovah's Witnesses have already discovered early that the people of peace organizations created in God's eyes are odious." 4
Against the background of this fierce opposition, it is more so that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York for some time as a non-governmental organization (Non-governmental Organization = NGO) at the United Nations ist.5 The NGOs include such well-known organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch or the World Wide Fund for Nature. Since the end of the Cold War, NGOs have a significant importance boom: There are virtually no more international conferences held without the NGO's in their own programs designed framework. The information in this "independent state" organizations will find ever greater public attention, as it was last on the anti-racism conference in Durban could watch.
Worldwide there should be several tens of thousands of such organizations. Mostly your reputation is founded is that they are attorneys dedicated to the public to be seen, regardless of political interests can act.
Only a small proportion of them are with the United Nations associated. Their status is not yet a mandatory basis. On the homepage of the United Nations says about the NGO's, with the Department of Public of the UN are associated: You give the United Nations "a good connection to the people throughout the world [and make] the population is a better understanding of the Goals of the World Organization "6 It will be interesting to see how the Watchtower Society in the Jehovah's Witnesses for a "better understanding" of the world organization will be working. The United Nations expect the associated NGO's that they "humanitarian [n] functions, citizen concerns in governments [to] bring the political landscape ... monitor and the political commitment in the population [to] awaken "7
Especially the latter, namely that the associated NGO's and hence the Watchtower Society "in the political commitment of the population" awakening, the traditional political attitude of the WTG on the head. One might welcome this course correction, if it would be really serious. Strange thing is that the WTG publication, despite its massive flood on the news not informed. For example, the disdainful suspicion that - similarly to the application for recognition as a public corporation in Berlin - just a better reputation to serve. Refocusing a real, a real rethinking theologically perverse and politically grotesque enemies will not take place. And so are the friendly Jehovah's Witnesses at a supermarket in the United Nations will continue to "a world conspiracy against God," 8, while the Watchtower officials in New York's chief floors in a totally different world float. In this other world meet them also Soka Gakkai International, the Sri Chinmoy Center and the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. They are longer than "humanitarian organizations" associated with the UN.
Early September, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published a fundamental paper on the non-governmental organizations. In the end, the question of the legitimacy of the NGO's asked: "Because time may be the claim that we represent a section of staatsfernen public, as a basis of action certainly does not suffice. Who exactly represent particular groups, who authorized and funded, all too often remains in the dark. ... An understanding of what ever as an NGO, is therefore needed. ... Otherwise, the well respected groups in the wake of those advised that its objectives by pursuing dubious means. "9
Addendum: As we have experienced editorial concludes, the WTG their involvement as an NGO at the UN is now set.
Eran las seis. Tenía doce años. Estaba enfermo y leía en cama. Afuera llovía. De pronto...
¿Por qué escucha usted a idiotas falsos?
Mis anguilas atropellaron al helpicopter. Mis daños de vagabundo de vagabundo.