What can I say to JW's about Michael Jackson's life and death?

by BonaFide 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    As an active Witness, I am still in association with Witnesses in Field Service, Meetings, and occasionally at get-togethers. We usually go to eat at a restaurant after the Sunday meeting.

    So tomorrow I am sure we will be talking about Michael Jackson. I live in Southern California, and I know one sister in our usual group has met MJ's mother, and is very supportive of her. So, anyone have any good points or questions I could bring up? I have a couple of ideas but I would like some more.

    Remember these are active Witnesses, so "Hey you guys, the WT Society ruined MJ's life" will not work, and it will get me in trouble. I am undercover.

    Anyone have anything subtle that might work?


  • sspo

    There are millions of people that are screwed up one way or another and very few accomplish

    what MJ has. Millions what have loved to be in his shoes and accomplish what he did.

    Do not blame the watchtower at all for his screwed up life in his later years.

    How many child actors end up the same if not worse.

    Do not like the watchtower a bit but let's be realistic and not blame everything on them for every stupid thing that people get involved in.

    We also have to admit that the majority lead a good life and happy life in their brainwashed state.

  • av8orntexas

    A brother made the comment to me the other night that, "I guess that lifestyle finally caught up to him"

    I took it as he was implying him to be some hollywood partier. I commented that I think he lived as queit a life as possible,but some of his decisions were not the best. And frankly....whats the difference between him and prince ?

    Witness or not, no one is perfect. So we always say, right Brothers/Sisters ? And of course, though he stopped going to the meetings, Jehovah knows his heart as he once attented. I've heard that more times than I can count.

    The holier than thou, I told you so I've heard from some of the witnesses this week on Micheal Jackson borders between making me want to throw up and just flat angry.

    I hope the Jacksons do not consider coming back because of this. They look to be doing just fine from a financial standpoint. I don't think he was broke. He bought that Beatles catalog which ....Thats worth some $$$$$$$

  • truthsetsonefree

    Hey some in the press have him AS a JW. Maybe he should be mourned as an inactive brother.

  • reniaa

    Why not do something radical bonafide and not use Mj's death on your apostasy quest?

    does your Jw hatred control you that much?


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You don't have to say anything. Just slap Thriller into the car stereo.

    Ren, you are a little confused. Hate doesn't come into it.



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ask them what they think of the brewing controversy about custody of his three children.

    They have never been Jw's - yet a primary candidate for guadianship is MJ's mother - who, as far as I know, is still a very much active Jw. Should she get custody - the children would be raised as Jw's - a religion that Michael rejected. Those children would be subject to doctrines that could kill them - blood refusal for instance. Ask about the ethical issues of raising children in a religion that they did not choose - and likely would not have ever chosen as long as MJ was alive.

    I speak from my heart here - we are raising our three grandkids. I would absolutely never in a million years, as a former Jw who knows how evil the religion really is - expose them to a religion that they might become involved with and loose their lives from an accident that required [real] medical treatment. Or just it's horrible effects in general!

    On that topic - I hope and pray that MJ was wise enough to avoid this serious issue with a will that prevents that from happening.

    Well - just an idea.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Good point Jeff. I thought about this too. Fortunately courts tend to go with biological parents first. If Debbie Rowe was reawarded her legal parent rights when she requested them a few years back, then she will probably have the children and they can be spared being raised as dubs. I wonder how the "friends" in Bonafide"s circle would feel about a child being taken away from their parents on the basis of a reiligion....

  • reniaa

    how much money do Mj's kids have? maybe the biological mothers that sold them to MJ would welome them for the money? Of cause how good a parent that makes them is something else!


  • shamus100

    Why not do something radical bonafide and not use Mj's death on your apostasy quest?

    What are you planning on doing with Mj's death on your apostasy quest, Reinna?


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