This was stated by a over zealous pioneer to another witness in my congregation. What a self righteous stament. Being the fact that Jesus has been given the right to Judge(Matthew 25:31-33). I know that Sister would never goto the the Hall in Encino, and tell MJ's mother what she said!! Unfortunately friends this example is how most JWs think. The doctrination and blind submission to the organization, creates a judgemental attitude.
Michael Jackson is going to GEHENNA!!!!
by whathehadas 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just who the F**k do they think they are? They are taking it upon themselves to be judge and jury over an individuals' eternal salvation. They're arrogance is breathtaking .
Just who the F**k do they think they are? They are taking it upon themselves to be judge and jury over an individuals' eternal salvation. They're arrogance is breathtaking .
Black Sheep
he/she needs a jolly good spanking.
However, not everyone who has ever lived will receive a resurrection. “If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth,” states the Bible, “there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but there is a certain fearful expectation of judgment.” (Hebrews 10:26, 27) Some committed sins for which there is no forgiveness. They are not in Hades (mankind’s common grave) but in Gehenna, a symbolic place of eternal destruction. (Matthew 23:33) We must be careful, though, not to speculate on whether a certain person will be resurrected or not. This judgment belongs to God. He knows who is in Hades and who is in Gehenna. For our part, we do well to live our lives according to God’s will.
WT 15 March 2006, page 5
The Almighty Homer
We are the righteous , we are the righteous because we stand underneath god's personal umbrella, The
Watchtower Society, a bogusly devised Kingdom of his son Jesus Christ started by a Publishing company over a hundred years ago .
Just who the F**k do they think they are? They are taking it upon themselves to be judge and jury over an individuals' eternal salvation. They're arrogance is breathtaking .
Really? I see this as being no different from the rest of you here.
You all assume you have the right to judge him and you do so based on tabloid rumors.
You vent your hatred of child molesters and use him as a scapegoat for it when you were not even there or have any way to know for sure.
None of you speaking out like that are any better than the heresayers that convicted Jesus.
Many of you here really disgust me now.
You lard asses have no compassion and make fun of the poor mans tragedies.
Those of you who have have shown such unkindness and are still JWs at heart. The arrogance doesn't come from WT. The self-righteousness and arrogance is inborn and cultivated in your own personalities. Like attracts like and that's why you got sucked into WT in the first place. ( And for the was probably on a subsconcious level.)
And from the looks of all the venom I am reading here...many of you will always be judgemental JWs even if you call yourselves "ex".
ps. I am not talking about everybody here. Those of you who mercilessly poke fun of tragedy know who you are!
You lard asses have no compassion and make fun of the poor mans tragedies.
Most of us do have compassion, just not much patience for scriptures being thrown at us.
I'm not a lard ass. I weigh 110 pounds.
cameo: None of you speaking out like that are any better than the heresayers that convicted Jesus......Many of you here really disgust me now. You lard asses have no compassion and make fun of the poor mans tragedies. Those of you who have have shown such unkindness and are still JWs at heart. You always have been and that's why you got sucked in. And from the looks of all the venom I am reading here...many of you will always be judgemental JWs even if you call yourselves "ex". The arrogance doesn't come from WT. It is inborn and cultivated in your own personalities.
I'm so glad, cameo, that you yourself are free from the sin of judging others. It gives me real hope of the goodness in human nature.
I'm one of those lard asses who happens to think he's innocent. If he goes to gehenna, it's gonna be a fairly rockin' place.
AK - Jeff
Yep - no judgementalism in cameo's words.