Always back to the Trinitarian doctrine....I am sure you have seen the posts on this Reniaa, don't you feel that the Trinity Book developed by the society is deceptive in the use of quotes (using partial quotes to change the original meaning), not siting references etc......sorry to get off topic, but any discussion I have with a JW if I don't keep he or she on the topic I started goes back to the Trinity.....
To a Witness, JW doctrines are like the law of gravity
by BonaFide 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I just spent 2 years really studying the doctrines with regards to the scriptures and if there is any trinity doctrine in the bible as well. The Jw doctrines won hands down, the depth of their teachings compared to the babyfood of other christian faiths that don't get past calling on Jesus's name are so powerful.
things like the old covenant being the shadow of the new covenant and the correlations between the two, the chosen levi priesthood and the chosen bride class as co-heirs with Jesus to God.
then I talk to a trinitarian that reads his doctrine into the bible or a born again that says God is love and call on jesus all you need is two scriptures and I just give up with them.
My reply:
Reniaa, JWs are not the only nontrinitarian group. That aside though......JW doctrines are like the law of gravity in that the captives do not question, they follow. Let's put the trinity aside- there are MANY MANY WT teachings that have been proven wrong, unlike graivty: (I will list only the teachings that the WT themself have acknowledged as wrong)
1914- end of world, 1925, 1914 generation, superior powers Jesus and Jehovah, Vaccinations wrong, organ transplants wrong, alt military service wrong, when are the sheep and goats separated...I am sure there are al least 50 more I can not think of off the top of my head...
Hi isaac
they have got applied principles wrong when faced with something new thinking it maybe conflicts with a bible principle i,e organ transplants luckily it got refined on greater knowledge (People forget how contraversial organ transplants were when they first started many people died anyway under the operating knife now they are safer but they still mean anti-rejection drugs for the rest of your life and someone donating an organ to a family member is definitely taking a risk) its easy to judge from the safe distance of knowledge and time :S)
Look at abraham many cannot underatand why God would even ask him to sacrifice his beloved son but the fact is at that time child sacrifice was common among the so-called Gods around abraham whom he'd grown up with...Jehovah had to make himself known to Abraham and abraham may have felt total fear at what god ask but he would not have found it unusual. what was unusual was God stopping him and setting the tone for the rest of the later moses Law which stood out in it's condemnation of human sacrifice.
we are looking back with modern eyes and not understanding the context of the time. they would look at us and probs think abortions were our way of doing child sacrifice to our God of selfishness /shrug who knows.
but the 1914 doctrine has yet to be disproved it has time yet to still be proved right and I accept the chronology that led to it , it was the same chronology that led to people knowing when the messiah Jesus would be arriving the first time.
You mention small issues gnat stuff but we do not swallow camels, I dislike trinity because I think it as a doctrine has put a complete wedge between Men and Jehovah and caused millions of deaths throughout history.
Hi isaac
they have got applied principles wrong when faced with something new thinking it maybe conflicts with a bible principle i,e organ transplants luckily it got refined on greater knowledge (People forget how contraversial organ transplants were when they first started many people died anyway under the operating knife now they are safer but they still mean anti-rejection drugs for the rest of your life and someone donating an organ to a family member is definitely taking a risk) its easy to judge from the safe distance of knowledge and time :S)
My reply: refinement? Not! They were allowed prior to 69, then disallowed…then allowed again after 1980. This is not refinement…it is shots in the dark. Unlike gravity…it was proven to be wrong.
Look at abraham many cannot underatand why God would even ask him to sacrifice his beloved son but the fact is at that time child sacrifice was common among the so-called Gods around abraham whom he'd grown up with...Jehovah had to make himself known to Abraham and abraham may have felt total fear at what god ask but he would not have found it unusual. what was unusual was God stopping him and setting the tone for the rest of the later moses Law which stood out in it's condemnation of human sacrifice.
My reply: Abraham was commanded by God. These ridiculous WT edicts are not from God…they are human reasonings- and very poor one’s at that.
we are looking back with modern eyes and not understanding the context of the time. they would look at us and probs think abortions were our way of doing child sacrifice to our God of selfishness /shrug who knows.
but the 1914 doctrine has yet to be disproved it has time yet to still be proved right and I accept the chronology that led to it , it was the same chronology that led to people knowing when the messiah Jesus would be arriving the first time.
My reply: Ok a few people born in 1914 are still alive, sure. But the Wt themselves has refuted their old teaching on this as old light. So if it comes to pass that the 1914 generation does not pass away it would also prove the WT to be wrong since the have then abandoned God’s teaching.
You mention small issues gnat stuff but we do not swallow camels, I dislike trinity because I think it as a doctrine has put a complete wedge between Men and Jehovah and caused millions of deaths throughout history.
My reply: Small gnats? By whose definition? The trinity in no wedges between man and God…it draws man closer to God the way he wants us to be- in spirit and truth. The WT sure does swallow camels. How about the many families torn apart by disfellowshipping? 0 contact except for necessary family business…..until 8/74- all of a sudden it was up to the individual to decide this…until 1981- it reverted to the pre74 stance. Hardly a gnat. False prophecies- such as the 1914 generation that the WT itself has refuted- lifes altered around the Wts limits on this system spoken in God's name. Hardly a gnat.
You hate the trinity so in your personal opionion that is a camel. What did Jesus consider camels? He had the strongest words of condemnation for the relgious leaders for their lack of love. WT leadership mirrors them....with their endless rules upon rules and unloving nature. That is what Jesus considered a camel.