To further beat the drums:
CRI (Christian Reaserach Institute) Hank Hanegraaff President. This ministry was founded by the late Walter Martin and is leading the charge (from an Evangelical prespective) in exposing the Biblical errors of the WT.
Ligonier Ministries- R.C.Sproul. Im personally not a big fan of Sproul but he is a theologian through and through. He also holds to preterism which is a teaching on the end times that has nothing dramatic happening at the end of this age. Hardly a position to hold if you want to make money selling end times media.
Coral Ridge Ministries- founded by the late D. James Kennedy, this is a Presbyterian ministry that is A-MIL (I think) which doesn not hold to anything like the WT end times scenerio. It is a gospel ministry plain and simple.
Thru the Bible Radio Network- founded by the late J. Vernon McGee, is also Presbyterian but Pre-Mil. The focus of the ministry is a running commentary of every verse of the Bible. Very little end times. A very good radio show, many have come to know Christ from listening to him.
Family Stations-Harold Camping. The definition of a nutcase. His theology is very close to the WT, he probably gets some of his ideas from the WT.
again, submitted in fairness,