I'm curious.
Have you ever written a letter to the WTBS and gotten an answer?
by gubberningbody 15 Replies latest jw friends
And on the bottom was "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society", stamped.
ya...just once.....and it was a doozy of non-answers........so they were given another chance.....even shorter reply..."nothing to add"...........oompa
but i also graduated from our Kingdom Ministry School too.........
I've never written to them directly, but I've heard that a letter that I wrote to my jw aunt was sent to the WB&TS. I was told that it was sent back to her congregation elders.
Yes, more then one. And answers too.
They also contacted me about my activities on the internet!
Hi oompa,
and it was a doozy of non-answers........so they were given another chance.....even shorter reply..."nothing to add"
It's sad, I got this from my JWs friends when I asked them serious doctrinal questions, and pointed out where the NWT clearly contradicts their beliefs.
All the best,
I wrote a letter in the early seventies about their attitude to the wearing of beards.
The reply was very balanced ,and yet disingenuous, as really they had done the usual thing and made sure that their ideas were followed at congregational level.
Despite this I grew a beard in 1975 which I wore until 1988,as a M.S giving Public Talks, even away. In 1988 I was given the choice of not appearing on the C.Assy " Experiences" item, or shaving it off to give an experience I had ,when I had a beard !!!!
I did shave it off ,not coz I was a good little Dub, but coz I wanted to relate the experience.
But they are a devious lot of buggers, I do wonder how the guys who write these answers can keep the Cognitive Dissonance going,when they know in a lot of cases they are outright lying, or at the very least being "economical with the truth "
YES , several times , they will always want to relate your letter etc to your local elders.
Then you are back where you started, the Branch offices are whimps and never want to get involved.
Why not write and find out! Pick a sensible subject or point and don't be rude or rant!
Our local CoOrdinator of the BOE, several years ago, always used to goad me by saying,
"If you don't agree with me, write to the branch".
I think now he may have regretted that statement.
always involve your elders before sending the letter....let you know you are sincere in your question..esp if you are like me.....and let them proofread the letter and offer ammendments before you send it.....cuts down on finger pointing and questioning your motive....oompa
Yes. But it was not about doctrine or a scriptual query:
It was in 1990 or so, and I was in the connected to the Emergency services (EMT) at the time. During a course we were doing, the identification of patients and their medical conditions in a motor vehicle accident.
Patients with allergies to penicillin, JW's refusing blood transfusions were discussed. I jumped up like a good JW and said that we carry identification cards in our wallets that is a signed legal document. That there could be no doubt of our wishes.
However in the discussion that followed it became clear that in most big motor vehicle accidents, personal belongings get strewn all over, sometimes under seats, or on the roadway and surrounding area. It is not always possible to match the wallet or id card to the patient. An as paramedics we are not going to spend too much time looking for it. I was on enough car wreck scenes to know that in the chaos, I don't care too much about the patients 'stuff'. If its not nearby, I am not leaving the patient to search for it. That is the cops on scene' job.
I wrote to the society to consider getting the JW's to wear a identification bracelet, like the Medic Alert type...this would ensure that our brothers and sisters don't 'accidentaly' get a blood transfusion.
The reply was such a generic, impersonal brush off that I remember thinking, 'Why bother?"I felt that did not really appreciate the seriousness of the issue, but I did not persue it.
Just occurred to me, this may have been one of those 'straws' that broke the camels back...
Agent Smith