Do JWs believe Lucifer is Satan, the Devil?

by cameo-d 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    Interesting that WT Aug 15, 2009 reverences Milton with a photo and caption which seems to implicate that he was "unknowingly" a JW as he held similar beliefs.

    The morning star, Venus. In Latin, literally, "light-bearer." Milton consistently associates Venus, Lucifer and the "morning star" in his poetry, and Hesperus, Vesper, and the evening star

    Now we are seeing a link between John Milton, Joseph Smith (founder Mormons), Kabbalism (magic and sorcery) and the Watchtower.


    From this period on, Kabbalah has been a major creative force in Western religious and poetic imagination, touching such diverse individuals as Jacob Boehme, John Milton, Emanuel Swedenborg, William Blake, and perhaps Joseph Smith.

  • cameo-d

    The Lucifer myth was transferred to Satan in the pre-Christian century, as may be learned from Vita Adæ et Evæ (12) and Slavonic Enoch (xxix. 4, xxxi. 4), where Satan-Sataniel (Samael?) is described as having been one of the archangels.

    Because he contrived "to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble 'My power' on high," Satan-Sataniel was hurled down, with his hosts of angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above the abyss (comp. Test. Patr., Benjamin, 3; Ephes. ii. 2, vi. 12). Accordingly Tertullian ("Contra Marrionem," v. 11, 17), Origen ("Ezekiel Opera," iii. 356), and others, identify Lucifer with Satan, who also is represented as being "cast down from heaven" (Rev. xii. 7, 10; comp. Luke x. 18).

  • cameo-d

    Now...look at this strange twist on who Lucifer is.

    This comes from well known Luciferian, Pike:

    "lucifer is a strange and mysterious name for people to give to the prince of darkness. Why would someone call the "spirit of darkness" the Light Bearer? Some Christians do.

    This is what Pike called the false Lucifer of the legend.

    I look for these occult doctrines to begin to take shape more obviously in the near future.

    Do your JW friends and relatives have a firm belief on the identity of Lucifer?

    Can they give you a solid 'yes' or 'no' to the question: is lucifer also satan the devil?

    If not, they can be persuaded in any direction by WT because their literature has been ambiguous.

    Why is this important?

    Because Lucifer is the Promethean aspect of Satan---the bringer of new ideas.

    Do you like the new ideas and new light that Lucifer has brought your loved ones?

    Do you see how this concept of Lucifer as "good" can be brought about easily?

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