I would like to thank my children......

by awildflower 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • awildflower

    ......for being so obedient and cooperative during our lives as JW's. For getting ready for all of those meetings and doing their best to study before hand and comment. For volunteering to help the elderly and others with yard work and cooking and babysitting. For never getting into trouble and making the best of not having a lot of friends, never getting involved with sports, for skipping classroom parties and all those cupcakes that went around. For trying to stand up for what they were taught was the 'truth' when all the other kids teased you and didn't understand. Thank you for giving those who hurt us the benefit of the doubt even though they were wrong. For hugging me and telling me you loved me no matter what. For caring about my feelings enough to not upset me with talk against the org even though your own little hearts and minds and intutition were telling you different.

    Thank you for starting the research that started our fade. Thank you for not being afraid to speak up when you felt like enough was enough. Thank you for once again making a life change with me, following me into freedom and once again being careful of my feelings. Thank you even now for your patience in waiting for me to catch up to you because you are free and running away with life now. Thank you for still having strong morals and values, when they said you wouldn't, and being able to look back at our experience and being kind and loving enough, as children are, to take the good out of it and not focus on the bad. Thank you for still wanting to care for people and animals and the planet. Thank you for still praying and loving your God.

    Most of all thank you for being mine and helping me through this time. I truly know what Jesus words meant when he said "we must become like the little children." Thank you!.........mom

  • awildflower

    Anyone else have someone to thank?........wf

  • purplesofa

    Thank-you for posting.


  • MrsPeaches

    I hope my mum will be able to post something similar to this. she has decided that she is either fading or disassociating.

  • StoneWall

    very moving post awildflower.

    Not sure of the age range of your children but I'm happy they were able to be with you through the good times and

    even the trying times.

    So often on here I see post from some members which I really feel sorry for because of not having their kids with them.

    Some even that have children that remain in the Org that shun them.

    I can't even imagine how much mental/emotional pain they must be going through and have to deal with everyday.

    As I started learning things about the Org I would share it with both my wife and son, but not in a judgemental or

    offensive way but more so like a "wow I didn't know the Org/Society used to teach this or made this statement" or

    "set more than a couple of dates for things to happen that never did" and then would show them from the WT's on

    publications where it was stated.

    So we all three kinda learned/shared interesting things together which made it so much better all the way around for

    each of us.

    I see why you would want to thank your children and rightly so. I've also told my wife and son many times how much it

    meant to me for them to be there and to help me through some very challenging times.

    Out of the three of us, I took it the hardest I believe when I realized all was not what we had been taught.

    That may be due to the fact I was in a lot longer than them, and all my hopes and dreams for years revolved around

    what came through the Org. I had further to fall I guess.

    But on the other side of that it seems I gained even more freedom in some ways. My son has posted a few times on here

    but he is more into online gaming with his friends and cousins, my wife has never had an interest in posting on forums.

    She is more into instant messaging and such.

    Since you asked if there was anyone we would like to thank I'll take this time to thank them again. As well as my sister

    who I know has read on these forums before. Hope you get the courage and strength to start posting sis, just

    remember to not give out to much info for privacy sake and you'll be fine.

  • awildflower

    I can't express how thankful I am my kids were never baptised. My kids are 18 and 13, they were raised for 13 years in this org with me and an 'unbelieving father' although he supported our efforts. My son actually started researching JW's at 15 and it started something in him. I never knew about the research and he never became rebellious or anything. It just made me think about how much power we have over our children and how much love they have for us and the need for guidance that they will do almost anything we ask! Although we lived a fairly balanced life in the org, as far as those standards go, I still can't believe how it overtook us. When I was fading I was worried the most about my 13 year old, and her friends etc.....she is doing the best! She's made all new friends and is loving life. My son and I struggle socially, it will take some more time.

    There are serious, tragic stories on these boards about people and their children and what this org has done to them. Breaks my heart completely. If anyone has young kids and they are thinking about getting out, the sooner the better for their sake!.......wf

  • snowbird

    Thank you.


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


    I love your posts about your kids. Thank you so much for sharing. It sounds like you and your kids have gotten out together as a family unit. Congratulations to you for building those close bonds and having great communication. We never had that in my family.

    And I agree with you. If you're thinking of getting out, the sooner the better for the sake of your kids!

  • awildflower

    Thanks friends........wf

  • crapola

    Yeah, my son for helping me see the light! He was so afraid of telling me how he felt but once he did I was able to open up to him. We had the exact same thoughts and neither one of us knew it. We are now closer than ever.

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