Congregation "Bible Study" Comments - Week Commencing 29 June 2009

by LUKEWARM 12 Replies latest jw friends



    Q 16. (a) How may we show that we have Jehovah's view on morals? (b) How can applying Bible principles become your way of life? 16 When choosing entertainment, true Christians first of all take into account Jehovah's view. The Bible reveals Jehovah's feelings and standards. For instance, King Solomon lists several things that Jehovah hates, such as "a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness." (Proverbs 6:16-19) How should Jehovah's view affect yours? "O you lovers of Jehovah," exhorts the psalmist, "hate what is bad." (Psalm 97:10) Your choices in entertainment need to show that you truly do hate what Jehovah hates. (Galatians 5:19-21) Keep in mind, too, that what you do in private, more so than in public, reveals what kind of person you really are. (Psalm 11:4; 16:8) Hence, if you have a heartfelt desire to reflect in all aspects of your life Jehovah's feelings on moral matters, you will always make choices in accord with Bible principles. Doing so will become your way of life.-2 Corinthians 3:18.

    "...true Christians" = JW's

    "...true Christians first of all take into account Jehovah's view" = how can they do that when the WBTS tells them they cannot understand the Bible? So is it really what the WBTS publishes about what they say Jahs view is?

    Q 17. Before choosing entertainment, what questions should we ask? 17 What more can you do to ensure that you will act in harmony with Jehovah's way of thinking when choosing entertainment? Reflect on the question, 'How will this affect me and my standing with God?' For instance, before deciding whether to watch a certain movie, ask yourself, 'How will the content of this movie affect my conscience?' Let us consider what principles have a bearing on that subject.

    Q 18, 19. (a) How can the principle found at Philippians 4:8 help us to determine whether our entertainment is wholesome? (b) What other principles can help you to select good entertainment? (See footnote.) 18 A key principle is found at Philippians 4:8, which states: "Whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well spoken of, whatever virtue there is and whatever praiseworthy thing there is, continueconsideringthesethings." Granted, Paul was discussing, not entertainment, but the meditations of the heart, which should center on things that please God. (Psalm 19:14) Yet, Paul's words can be applied in principle to the matter of entertainment. How?

    19 Ask yourself, 'Does my choice of movies, video games, music, or other forms of entertainment fill my mind with "whatever things are chaste"?' For instance, after you watch a movie, what mental images are left dominating your mind? If they are pleasant, pure, and refreshing, then you know that your entertainment was wholesome. However, if the movie you watched makes you think about things that are unchaste, then your entertainment was unsound, even harmful. (Matthew 12:33; Mark 7:20-23) Why? Because thinking about things that are morally unclean disturbs your inner peace, scars your Bible-trained conscience, and can ruin your relationship with God. (Ephesians 5:5; 1 Timothy 1:5, 19) Since such entertainment has a harmful effect on you personally, be determined to avoid it. (Romans 12:2) Be like the psalmist who prayed to Jehovah: "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless."-Psalm 119:37.

    [Footnote]Some more principles applicable to entertainment are found at Proverbs 3:31; 13:20; Ephesians 5:3, 4; and Colossians 3:5, 8, 20.

    SEEKTHEADVANTAGEOFOTHERSQ 20, 21. How does 1 Corinthians 10:23, 24 relate to choosing wholesome entertainment? 20 Paul mentioned a key Bible principle that needs to be taken into account when making decisions on personal matters. He stated: "All things are lawful; but not all things build up. Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person." (1 Corinthians 10:23, 24) How does that principle relate to choosing wholesome entertainment? You need to ask yourself, 'How will the entertainment that I choose affect others?'

    21 Your conscience may allow you to enjoy a certain form of entertainment that you view as "lawful," or acceptable. However, if you notice that other believers with a more restrictive conscience find it objectionable, you may decide not to pursue it. Why? Because you do not want to "sin against your brothers"-or even be "sinning against Christ," as Paul stated-by making it more difficult for your fellow believers to maintain faithfulness to God. You take to heart the admonition: "Keep from becoming causes for stumbling." (1 Corinthians 8:12; 10:32) True Christians today heed Paul's considerate and perceptive counsel by avoiding entertainment that may be "lawful" but does not "build up."-Romans 14:1; 15:1.

    "...maintain faithfulness to God" = preparation for weekly meetings, attendance at weekly meetings, comments at weekly meetings, minimum 8 hours in field service, family study, family worship night, etc etc

    Q 22. Why do Christians allow room for different views in personal matters? 22 There is, though, another side to the matter of seeking the advantage of others. A Christian with a more restrictive conscience should not insist that all in the Christian congregation conform to his narrower view on what is proper entertainment. If he were to do so, he would be like a driver on a highway who insists that all other drivers using the same road hold to the same speed that he prefers. Such a demand would not be reasonable. Out of Christian love, someone with a more confining conscience needs to respect fellow believers whose views on entertainment differ somewhat from his own but are still within the bounds of Christian principles. That way, he lets his "reasonableness become known to all men."-Philippians 4:5; Ecclesiastes 7:16.

    If only the WBTS followed their own counsel to allow their "reasonableness become known to all men."

    Q 23. How can you make sure that you choose wholesome entertainment? 23 In short, how can you make sure that you choose wholesome entertainment? Reject any kind of entertainment that graphically portrays degraded, immoral activities that are expressly condemned in God's Word. Follow Bible principles that can be applied to types of entertainment that are not specifically mentioned in the Bible. Avoid entertainment that injures your conscience, and be willing to forgo forms of entertainment that might wound the sensitivities of others, especially those of fellow believers. May your firm decision to do so bring glory to God and keep you and your family in his love.

  • insearchoftruth

    Thanks again Lukewarm.....the wife has her son (my stepson) going to 'christian' meetings with her, at least now I can give him a bit of a preview of what is going on.......much appreciated.

  • WTWizard

    Paragraph 21 has to be the source of the wimpiest excuses for "badding" out songs and videos. A song is OK for me to listen to, because I have listened to it safely for more than 14 years, yet I have to get rid of it because someone else might think it's acceptable to listen to that song that currently has a stand against it. At this rate, there are going to be 225 135 songs you can listen to without stumbling others.

    And yet I was offended upon singing Kingdumb Malady 27 and 61, because both were blasphemous (putting the singer in God's place). Did they heed the advice and not use those songs for my conscience? Of course not. Therefore, why should I stop listening to songs that are offensive to others in the privacy of my own home or with headphones, just because they are offended?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    And after armageddon, no entertainment will be allowed.

  • sir82
    And after armageddon, no entertainment will be allowed.


    Come on, man! We'll be petting lions! And, ummm....riding elephants! And, err....tickling pandas!

    Go on and tell me that doesn't beat Mardi Gras week at the Big Easy.

  • blondie

    No kidding, I have had many elders tell me that there will be competitive football, baseball, and sh*t!

  • BluesBrother

    P21 [re entertainment]" if you notice that other believers with a more restrictive conscience find it objectionable, you may decide not to pursue it.

    P22 A Christian with a more restrictive conscience should not insist that all in the Christian congregation conform to his narrower view on what is proper entertainment. "

    So, What is it? Do we all have to go home and watch eg, "The Waltons" just in case Sister Uptight feels stumbled? Or should Sister Uptight relax and let us get on with watching what we like?

  • freewilly01

    It is the oldest form of manipulation...............guilt and the collective BORG...........this religion is all about guilt.... how does the GB actually know whats good or bad many of these men do not even have sex or not in a committed relationship..... maybe if they were able to relax and enjoy making decisions on their own they would stop trying to guilt and ruin everybody elses life even trying to control who lives and who dies with the blood issue!

    Its like we are all just children? and can't make decisions ourselves we need to be manipulated to answer questions with only select ansers provided in the above paragraph.... fear of man? yep the Watchtower promotes it within its own ranks........... How many of you feel that you are always looking over your shoulder at what everybody else is thinking.....................................My answer to that is WHO CARES! Now their is varying degrees of conscience? it should be varing degrees of GUILT!!!!!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Sorry sir82, no time for such 'fun stuff'. You'll be much too busy harvesting straw for the lions, cleaning up elephant crap everywhere, and pandas will be extinct.

    Blondie, obviously those elders have never heard Garritt Losch speak. There will be no sports of any kind. Everyone on earth will work 24 hours every day.

  • undercover
    And, err....tickling pandas!

    Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

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