Wife is making the teenage stepson start a bible study today....PLEASE HELP!!!

by insearchoftruth 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    ISOT: "...decided that the best way for him to start to behave is to get closer to Jehovah. He has already told me that it will most likely cause him to just get worse..."

    Better warn him to behave before they force him into a suit and tie and drag him D2D. That will really get him closer to Jehovah.

  • insearchoftruth
    Better warn him to behave before they force him into a suit and tie and drag him D2D. That will really get him closer to Jehovah.

    I have tried to warn him each step of the way, but he is a HS Junior to be.....no telling him anything........

  • OnTheWayOut

    If he loves Karate, keep encouraging him. They will discourage it. He'll see the difference. Encourage career and college, he'll see the difference. Encourage questioning, encourage thinking beyond the WT literature.

  • insearchoftruth

    Basically Karate is his only interest at this time, so I do all I can to encourage it, as well as college and career. He told me the other day he would love to be a karate instructor...

    Wife has already told him he should just consider a trade like construction...guess she is looking for the end of 'this system of things' real soon......will need a lot of people to restore the earth to a paradise....but one question, why does paradise earth need houses...that's not how Adam and Eve had it?

  • Jim_TX

    For the 'bible study' get him a bible that is NOT their NWT. There are many available today other than the King James version...

    Then, have him stop and look up every scripture in their literature - and read it from HIS bible. (that in itself could turn a 6 month bible study into one that runs years.)

    If they object - and say they only want to use their own NWT bibles - then he should object also - and say that he wants to use his own bible.

    This might slow things down a bit...


    Jim TX

  • VIII

    As long as he doesn't get baptized.

    I got baptized because of 1975. Now, with the whole "the Great Tribulation" is starting again and "Armageddon" is just about here, etc., etc., they will encourage anyone and everyone to get dunked.

    Which opens up a whole can of worms if he tries to leave.

    Perhaps you can encourage your stepson to look to school and actual school books as a way out of the JWs books. If he has an excuse to study for school he may get out of studying with the JWs. He may find that the restrictions they place on him are way too much and find that school is fun compared to the JWs. I hope.

  • insearchoftruth
    Now, with the whole "the Great Tribulation" is starting again and "Armageddon" is just about here, etc., etc., they will encourage anyone and everyone to get dunked.

    Yep, they are doing that big time with my wife......have already let him know if he gets baptized and decides its not for him, it will severely restrict his communication with his JW relatives and mother if she gets dunked.....

    I have also told him he needs to focus on his schoolwork, have a text book or reading book around at all times, for right now if he looks bored, she hands him bibleteach or YPA to read.....

  • reniaa

    this is your wifes son and your stepson? and you are saying all these things behind your wifes back?

    If my statesments above which I have drawn from what you said are true you have more to worry about than his future either as a Jw or not, You are cruising towards dangerous waters.


  • insearchoftruth
    this is your wifes son and your stepson? and you are saying all these things behind your wifes back?

    Point well taken Reniaa, I may not agree with where she is going with this, but I also instruct him to be respectful and listen. Yes the waters are dangerous, but I feel she is pulling him towards dangerous waters as well.....and I do have a duty, and a right as the head of household....I think I remember a QFR which discusses this.....

  • possible-san

    Hi, Mr. insearchoftruth.

    I liked "F-14 Tomcat."

    You are protecting Japan from North Korea.
    Thank you.


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