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by chickpea 17 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks !!!! Proud to live in a GREAT Country
I just hope that Canada does not send any more of it's innocent citizens away to Syria to be tortured.
I wonder what he thinks of; "Glorious and Free!"
the caption on the photo declares:
After the apology, Maher Arar said he "feels proud as a Canadian"
guess having the leader of a nation
own up to shortcomings
could be a good thing for
all its citizens, eh?joyeuse fête du canada!!!
We know what happened with that injustice, and the end result. Back on topic?
Happy Canada Day! Everyone smoke some weed today!
Well, no, don't do that.
Joyeux Noel!
I just wish the weather were nicer. Christ almighty it's only 66 F outside, cloudy and just crappy out. I can't ever remember the last time that it was only 66 degrees out on July 1st. This has got to be a record for one of the coldest Canada Days on record.
WTF! It was PLUS SIX here today this A.M.!!! IT'S JULY!!
(that's six celcius, my American friends... no, we don't live in Igloos... but we do eat seal blubber non-stop...)
I have to ask Shamus if you live in Edmonton or Whitehorse? (guessing) Here on the coast it's non stop sun, without the humidity.
Hope Canadians all across our country feel good about the freedom we cherish. Only 6 months to New Years Day.
Canada's too cold!!
south shore of the upper lake is
a balmy 12° C at high noonand that is south of the
canadian border!hope it is a grand day
for my neighbours in the
true north strong and free!!!