Hint of lime.. You seem to be denying the laws of the universe always existed. or maybe I misunerstand what you are saying, can you clarify the following?
I am not saying that the laws of the universe were 'created'. There is no reason to think that "1 + 1 = 2" suddenly became true at the big bang. We do know that the universe began at some point (because we can follow the trajectory of all known galexies to a common origin), and we know the universe follows rules of physics and mathmatics. What caused the universe... or what came before it.. is something we will probably never know. That knowledge is likely lost and time, and forever outside of our perspective.
But just because something is outside of our perspective does NOT mean that suddenly anything goes. I may not know what is inside a particular sealed cardboard box... but the fact that I don't know what is inside of it doesn't make the odds better that a fairy is inside of it.
Physics and mathmatics are the gods of our universe. Most likely, they were the gods of the universe before all that we see through telescopes came to be as well.
- Lime