Any publication with that Do More abusive mind twisting crap.
Most Detested WT Publication
by Nosferatu 54 Replies latest jw friends
I remember the chapters on the King of the North, which was considered Russia at the time , against the King of the South(USA).
Bibically unsound.
There's no scriptural mention of USA, let alone exist during the last days. No, it won't blow up, it'll just collapse. Keep in mind that for every Gov and Empire, they all always rise and fall. The longest Empire in history known to mankind was the Roman Empire, it lasted 250 years (when the current Government was finally established, but it did last alot longer before it was finally established).
America is about the same now, over 240 years and I think we're bound for a train wreck. Most likely from a economic crash and the UN may step in to try and salvage what's left of it, but under UN control. So the America flag that we once knew will most likely be gone.
For the most majority of Empires, the common denominator for all collapses is due to economics. Very few crumble due to invasions.
As for the bibical prophecy, it's centered on Israel, not the US. They've completely ignored that, calling it "spiritual Israel" instead. (That just gave me a headache thinking about that.)
Mickey mouse
The Flock book.
The Oct 2005 WT also killed it stone dead for me. I walked out early and ended up shredding that one. The infamous "don't send your kids to college" one.
Oh yeah, and the April 07 WT about how its your "sacred duty" to obey the GB. What the....???
For me, the 11/1/1989 washtowel study articles take first prize. Those were the ones that Jehovah was putting down His foot on my toes about the issue of ever finding a mate (that was part 2--Part 1 was when He had the hounders make sure I would never find anyone in the cancer). There was another washtowel study article, studied just past Thanksgiving 1996, that just about mandated that I stay single forever (I am sure it would have been used that way). Good thing I blew off that boasting session.
As for sheer inaccuracy, the False Reasoning book (it requires the user to initiate fraud against the householder), Young People Ask--Answers That Do Not Work (gives bad advice that is sure to create failures), and the book of Job (the whole book, found in the Not Well Translated version of the Unholy Scriptures) for giving a stock example in lieu of solving our problems today.
Somewhere a couple of years after I left I got my hands on a copy of the Greatest Man book. When I got to the last page I threw it against the wall - they quoted Pontius Pilate "behold the man" as proof that Jesus wasn't divine. It makes me wonder when if they'd quote Satan if he said something they agree with.
I thought the Babylon the Great book was really deep when I read it as I was coming in. I still think it's really deep: deep BS.
wha happened?
Revelation book because it's interpretations of scripture were absolutley looney. Yea the Angel pouring out a bowl was a tract from the 20's. baaaaaaaaaaarf
The Revelation book... for the sheer amount of times I had to study that piece of crap.
(dis)Honourable mentions also go to YPA and the "Family" book. Ugh, the memories of that thing.
It makes me wonder when if they'd quote Satan if he said something they agree with.
Ok, that made laugh in a way I haven't laughed in a long time.
Deputy Dog
Not a book, but, the May 22, 1994 Awake magazine, with the cover showing pictures of 26 children, with the caption: "Youths Who Put God First." The magazine glorifies Witness children who died supporting WTS policy.
It makes me wonder when if they'd quote Satan if he said something they agree with. -- Isn't there an old quote possibly from Russell's time that does state a truth from satan is still a truth? something like that...