by Divawriter 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Divawriter

    How can JW'S confess belief in Jesus Christ when they do not believe in His own words when He speaks of Heaven??? Jesus compared Heaven in many parables, yet the JW's claim that the "new earth" is where they are going. Also, the belief that Jesus was here in 1914(?) or some other year is also ludicrous. The Bible clearly tells us that Jesus will come again on a cloud with trumpets etc. If he was already here, where did He go, who did He appear to and what did He do?

    As for them giving MANY dates in the past of when the world will come to an end, the Bible CLEARLY tells us that NO MAN KNOWS the day or the hour. This is the worst example of a Satanic Religion fronting itself off as "God's earthly organization."

    I have studied and compared their cunning way of changing words in the Bible to fit their own false doctrines. My sister has been a JW for over 40 years and I pray for her redemption every single day. (She even admitted to me that she did not have the Holy Spirit- not a surprise to me though. No JW could possib ly have The Holy Spirit- they don't have a clue as to what God's Spirit is, nor are they allowed to learn the Bible's most important point- that we beome New Creatures in Christ when we are saved. You must have The Holy Spirit in order to discern these false teachings...

    I pray for all of these lost souls.

  • allelsefails

    Welcome to JWN. When I read posts like this I wonder....... Where did Jesus ever say people would go to heaven? Not the phrase "Kingdom of Heaven" but that people would ever go to heaven. The only thing I can think of is in reference to his apostles. He never taught that "all good people would go to heaven" he said "the meek will inherit the Earth". Interesting question. I would like to see your quotes and reasoning.

  • glenster

    The focus I recommend:

    - the 12 or so Jehovah's Witnesses leaders allege that they're part of a lit-
    eral 144,000 (Rev.7:1-8; 14:1-5) most righteous Christians, all JWs, the only
    ones who will go to heaven--all others of the afterlife are JWs who will live on

    - the JWs leaders allege that they're the only ones of the 144,000 qualified
    to make the rules for and lead Jehovah's Witnesses, God's sole God-guided reli-
    gious organization on Earth--all others religions are condemned as Babylon.


    - the JWs leaders have a batch of distinctive rules meant to establish their
    exclusiveness (a ban of the medical use of blood and major blood fractions, that
    Jesus invisibly turned his attention toward the Earth in 1914, a ban of most
    holidays as having worldly pagan or idolatrous connotations, a ban of most gov-
    ernment involvement as being too worldly, that Jesus is archangel Michael and
    not to be worshipped and the holy spirit is impersonal, etc.), all of which must
    be agreed to for membership in the JWs and salvation.

    - the JWs leaders allege that their distinctive rules are guaranteed by the
    Bible and best related evidence and reasoning.

    Catch 22:

    - But the distinctive rules are too distinctive to allow that honestly or they
    wouldn't be so distinctive.

    So my focus is the methods they use to try to make them seem guaranteed
    (quotes used misrepresentatively from research books, creating a false impres-
    sion of the most reasonable alternatives, omission of pertinent evidence, forced
    points, etc.),

    especially if anyone is regarded or treated unfairly (the JWs leaders require
    disfellowshipping, or that pressure be used to cause resignation, for persistent
    disagreement with any of the JWs leaders' distinctive rules, which can cause
    division between friends and family),

    hurt or killed (by a follower refusing to be treated, or let their child be
    treated, by the medical use of blood or major blood fractions when it would give
    them the better chance to survive, or when the JWs leaders' inflexible expanded
    rules about neutrality, worldliness, and idolatry run up against an intolerant
    political leader and put followers in harms' way unnecessarily, for no better
    reason than the leaders' elitism, as in Germany and Malawi).

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think Jesus expects perfection in worship. They are Christians. Just have some warped teachings, just like a lot of churches do.

  • Aurelius

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, the Governing Body !!!

  • Chalam

    Hi Divawriter and welcome aboard!

    First of all, I am a born again Christian and yes you need to intercede as often as the Lord leads you to for these JWs first and foremost.

    Also, you need to do some study in your bible regarding "heaven", paradise, the new heavens and the new earth and the new Jerusalem.

    In short, if you are born again and die now you go to be with the Lord Luke 23:43 2 Corinthians 5:6 2 Corinthians 5:8

    Come the resurrection and judgement day we will live in the new Jerusalem. Where will that be? It certainly won't be in heaven! Revelation 21:2 Revelation 21:10

    No surprise the JWs have no experience or understanding regarding the Holy Spirit. There are taught He isn't a person, does not have a voice and is an impersonal "God's active force" :(

    All the best,


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    You're right! They're not Christ like ones are they.

  • Heaven

    Welcome, Divawriter! In my opinion, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. They are Jehovans.

  • cattails
    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, the Governing Body !!!

    True, too true... and also:

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, the Pope in the Vatican !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, the Patriarch in Constantinople !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, the Bishop of Canterbury !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, John Calvin and his lackeys !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, some Southern Baptist Convention !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, Martin Luther !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, some Synod of Evangelicals !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, a Mormon (Latter Day Saint) modern Prophet !!!

    Christians follow their Lord Jesus Christ, NOT, Herbert W. Armstrong and all his kookieness !!!




  • trueblue

    I have been struggling with the witnesses all my life and I havent been studying gods word for some time. ( I am a little rusty but I will try to explain to you ) with limited time.

    If Jesus came then were did he go?

    Jesus has come and he is still here. How do I know this ? well you can not see Jesus he is in spirit form you can not see him with the human eye, The only way to know is thru the Holy Scriptures, I am thinking about when the disciples asked Jesus when they would know when he come back and Jesus told them that there would be signs and to be on the look for the signs, Nation will rise against Nation ( World War One 1914 ) also states that there would be many other signs such as food shortages, earth quakes, O-kay I think I found something on the subject Mathew 24, 1 thru 22

    There is yet anothe Biblicle Prophecy telling the time when Jesus will come, I don't remember much about it right now, but it had to do with so many years, like thousands of years after the fall of Jeruselem or Bobylon or something like that, but coincedently bothe directions point to the same exact time and that is 1914

    But where did he go? you might ask yourself that? there are still such terrible things in the world. The Bible also state that Jesus will rule amongst his enemies for a short time.

    Yes Jesus has come back and the end is not yet,

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