I'd really like to watch that Dateline show from a few years back....was it in 2002? I guess its the one that jws were told not to watch the episode. I cant find it anywhere! Can somebody help a sista out?? I'm not computer savvy and its kind of frusterating because I know its right under my nose. thanks...
Dateline tv show
by homeschool 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Homeschool, If you go to www.silentlambs.com website you will find a mountain of information including the dateline programme
I'm sorry, I'm just not getting it. I went to silentlambs.com and cant find the episode....all I'm seeing is written transcripts. I'm kinda of frusterated that I just cant seem to find what I'm looking for. Any other help?
I have the video of the Dateline NBC program. I could send it to you as email attachments in two parts. PM me if you would like me to send it to you.
Bangalore, you have a PM. Thanks.
The video should be on this page, just look down the page.
is it the 10 minute clip with the two girls talking to connie chung?
No, Connie Chung is CNN.
NBC Dateline-Witness to the Prosecution-Read Transcript Spanish Transcript Italian transcript view Video- A Video- B
DATELINE Correspondent John Larson spoke with victims, their families, and former church officials. JR Brown states. "We have a very aggressive policy on child abuse." A young sister is given death threats from her local congregation after reporting a confessed child molester. William H. Bowen uses term "Pedophile Paradise" for the first time to media.(05/28/2002 )
lol...sometimes I need things explained to me like I'm a 5 year old. Thank you, Blondie & Bangalore.