It felt great. I was not scared of anything. I had been out for decades but had never ever talked about my JW past with ANYBODY. No lie. It was such a relief to find people that had the same experiences as me and to find out that I was not alone in my feelings. I felt like I had found people that understood me.
How Did It Feel To Post Here For The First Time?
by Yizuman 14 Replies latest jw friends
anyone else?
Mickey mouse
I was absolutely terrified! The programming was deep with me, I was convinced I would be attacked by demons or be somehow traced and exposed as an evil apostate. I was reading here for a while befor I registered but I still felt like I was commiting the original sin.
exactly the same way i felt after
having read "live forever" book
and telling the elder i was studying
with that i felt like i had been lied to
by the catholic church (re: hellfire, souls yada)i was in an unanticipated, unintentional fade
but miserable about my "inadequacies"from a completely unrelated site,
i followed a link from an article about
manipulative people.... to a link to a
link to rick ross's site, where there
was a link to JWD....i registered and posted the first time
i visited the site, and i was FURIOUS
about being lied to AGAIN... -
very freeing and i was a bit explosive with my tirade of issues.....just ignored the actual subject and went off on a tangent.....then i reposted it as one of my first new threads here......i was Coaster then....very dark times since my wife had just outed me to the elders for being here and it was only for two weeks!....and one week later i was at my first apostafest set up by Unique1......i was a least in my brain..........oompa
man was this place a lifesaver during my wakeup...