The working definition the scriptures use for "god" and "God" is Psalm 82. The context I was speaking of is the New Covenant is particular, which is between God and spiritual Israel (the 144,000 who are to rule with Christ in heaven). Those with the earthly hope benefit from the applications of the New Covenant, but are not part of it. It is like the swearing in of a government cabinet. Mediation by Christ Jesus is certainly for the great crowd also, which is why both the anointed and the other sheep pray "to Jehovah", "in the name of Jesus". We all require a mediator, Jesus Christ, because of being sinners before the One who cannot look upon sin. That's the way I think it best to articulate, at this point.
Jesus's Divinity
by PSacramento 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
hi narkissos state one scripture that say Jesus is our god?
why should Jw's say something the appostles never said?
the nearest is John calling Jesus 'a god' Many things and people are called divine in the bible including the angels so divinity itself does not mean you are God only from God which Jws accept.
Just one scripture that actually confesses Jesus is our god?
The Nt is full of scriptures that only express God as God and keep Jesus completely separate.
I await breathlessly these fulsome praise scriptures saying Jesus is God?
1 Corinthians 11:3
Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 15:27
For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.
this one is really explicit denial of Jesus being God i'm failing to see how anyone can read around it?
1 Corinthians 15:27 For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. this one is really explicit denial of Jesus being God i'm failing to see how anyone can read around it? Reniaa
My reply: Obviously God (the father) is not put under Jesus. Yet EVERYTHING is put under Jesus. This itself shows Jesus to be God. Not the denial you think you see.
Isaac this scripture shows Jesus to be in subordination to GOD and you are saying father but that is not the word used.
Paul is quite clear in his letter to Timothy, Jesus is mediator to ALL MEN and ransom to ALL.
Its not subject to interpretation when it is so clearly stated.
It seems you are trying to justify a doctrine when scripture is clearly stating otherwise.
Correct, Jesus is eternally subordinate to his father- that is his role. God is referring to his Father here who will hand things over to him. The operation of the tri-unity.
Spike Tassel
Actually, when it says "everything", it logically means "every other thing", since Jesus later subjects himself to the God he prayed to at John 17. Also, John 17:3,6 are still true and cannot be denied. Even Isaac has admitted what I'm saying, on a different "Topic".
Spike Tassel
I have discussed all of this on other "Topics" so will refrain from restating myself here.
Correct, everything....But Jesus is part of the Divine Being, known as God and the Divine Being, manifested in 3 persons, is not under itself....
What did I agree to with you Spike?
Spike Tassel
Jesus may be known to Isaac as God (etc.), but not to me, in my honest opinion. Isaac agreed that I have a legitimate right to view John 17:3,6 as I do.