I Agree with Jehovah's Witnesses!
(I bet Reniaa will be shocked to see this thread!)
To Jehovah's Witnesses: I commend your zeal for God, your desire for accurate knowledge and truth of the Bible, your goals of drawing close to Jehovah, and following and obeying Christ's teachings, and your time spent studying the Bible. I commend you for trying to know and do God's will, and for trying to help save others.
The goal of this thread is to establish some common ground with Jehovah's Witnesses. I want to show all Jehovah's Witnesses which of their beliefs I agree with. My hope is to elevate the discussion to a better level than the usual discussions which often end up with name-calling or personal attacks.
Let me say up front, that I am a Christian, and I attempt to follow Christ everyday, and study God's Inspired Word each day, as well as pray to Him. I am definitely not a perfect man. I stumble many times in my walk with God. We all fall short of the glory of God. But my heart's desire (as well as my mind's) is to put God's will first in my life, to spend my life serving God and Christ in love, obeying their commands and principles out of appreciation and love. My goal is to become more Christlike every day of my life, with the help of The Holy Spirit.
Also, let me make it clear that I truly do love Jehovah's Witnesses. I sincerely love all of you Witnesses of Jehovah who may be reading this. I care about you. God loves you. Jesus Christ died for you. He wants you to know the truth and to be saved. With that being said, I should tell you that there are some major teachings of the Watchtower Society that I disagree with. (I will post them and explain why I disagree with those teachings on another thread later -- right now we will focus on the teachings I agree with.)
I Agree with Jehovah's Witnesses On These Teachings:
1:) The Bible is God's Inspired, Infallible Word, both the Hebrew and Christian-Greek Scriptures.
2:) God's Name is "YHWH" (Jehovah or Yahweh) and it is very proper to put that Name in the Hebrew Scriptures every time that it appears in the Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible.
3:) There is only One True God, only One Almighty God, only One Creator -- Jehovah (Yahweh).
4:) God is All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, Infinite, Holy, Loving, Just, Merciful yet Severe.
5:) God sent His Only Son to die as a Sacrifice for our sins on a tree.
6:) Jesus existed in Heaven with The Father before He came to earth, and He was known as The Logos (Word), and He was also the Personal Messenger (Special Angel) of Jehovah in the Hebrew Scriptures.
7:) Christians should do their utmost to follow and obey Christ and His teachings everyday.
8:) Christians should spend lots of time in personal Bible Study, Prayer, and Meditation on God, Jesus, and the Scriptures.
9:) Christians should meet together to worship God, encourage and strengthen each other, and discuss and study the Bible.
10:) Christians should always follow the Noble-Minded example of the Beroeans in Acts 17:11.
11:) There will be a future Paradise New Earth and New Heavens as prophesied in Isaiah and other parts of the Bible.
12:) Christ's Kingdom will rule the earth for 1,000 years, and He will have co-rulers (though I do not believe they are limited to 144,000).
13:) One of the reasons why God allows suffering is to prove Satan a liar.
14:) Christians should preach and teach the truth of the Bible and the Good News to people everywhere.
15:) We should not be followers of men, but followers of Christ, the only Leader.
16:) God did outlaw eating blood from an animal that had been killed by a human.
17:) Christians should not put all their trust in human governments to solve all their problems.
18:) Some Christian holidays do have a lot of pagan rituals, traditions, and customs added on to them.
19:) The New Testament does teach that there should be leaders in the Congregations and that they should be organized, and that Christians should obey them as long as they are obedient to Christ.
20:) Jesus is God's Son, His One-of-a-Kind Son. He is God the Father's Spokesman. All things were created through Him and for Him. He is Lord, Savior, Messiah, and High-Priest. God has appointed Jesus as The King of God's Kingdom. Jesus has the same Nature as God.
21:) There will be a resurrection one day. The righteous will be raised to everlasting life, and the wicked to everlasting destruction.
22:) Jesus will return one day to save His people and destroy the wicked in the Great Tribulation and Armageddon.
23:) Christians are NOT under the Mosaic Law.
24:) Christians are saved only by God and Christ's Undeserved Kindness through faith in the Ransom, not by any good works or acts of faith. (Watchtower publications have changed on this teaching over the years. I am going with the very latest publications from the last year)
25:) Baptism does not save you. It is just an outward symbol of your inward dedication and repentance toward God and Jesus. (Again, Watchtower publications have changed on this teaching over the years. I am going with the very latest publications from the last year)
26:) Your motives and heart condition are much more important to God than your actions or good works. God does not look at how many hours you put in Field Service, He looks at your heart. (Once again, Watchtower publications have changed on this teaching over the years. I am going with the very latest publications from the last year)
27:) God and Jesus are the sole Judges, and only they will determine who to save and who to destroy. (Watchtower publications have changed on this teaching over the years. I am going with the very latest publications from the last year)
28:) It is very, very important for Christians to have accurate knowledge and to know the truth. In fact, knowing the truth about God and Jesus' identity and nature means your everlasting life or death.
29:) Christians should remember and celebrate the Lord's Evening Meal.
30:) Christians should live by God's moral standards -- no fornication, adultery, murder, stealing, lying, idolatry, or even lusting and hating others.
Now, hopefully, I have established some good starting points for discussions with Reniaa, Spike, and all other Jehovah's Witnesses.