After I left the Borg, I was called to a jc for not attending meetings. I had a male friend who played softball.
The elders, who would not be dissuaded from their misconception that this friend was my betrothed. They informed me that *all* softball players have groupies with whom they have sex. I will just end up returning to the fold, broken-hearted, cherryless, damaged goods which no brother would want.
I could not make them comprehend that this man was playing softball with his friends in his free time, in one of those teams sponsored by a local pub--not a minor or major league professional ball player. Dumbasses.
The elders kept saying they *all* have groupies and *all* have sex with them. I LOLd. I wonder if they write down the LOL in the jc notes!
I started my journey out of the Borg thinking they were partially nuts, and ended it with that gem, knowing they were full-on nutjobs with no grasp on reality.