Whether you are a witness or have been. You have probably thought of this before. I ask myself this one, HOw PERFECT IS PERFECT? If a PERFECT HUMAN AND A PERFECT ANGEL CAN SIN. HOW GOOD IS PERFECT? I know it is all based on the principle of Free will, but this will always be a issue. This also leads to another Question. If this was the First time God create Flesh and Spirit, How would he know it was good. If he had to TEST the creation to see the results. With the Free Will, You can always turn to bad.
by whathehadas 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Perfect is perfect. Exercising free will while being perfect? There is only one way to do things; perfectly. So there is no free will. Easy! The bible is a bunch of bullshit. It's a man-made dream, something that is as impossible as the flood of noah.
Trying to make human beings fit into the fairy-tale bible will give you a headache; but the circular reasoning will help ease the pain!
I know the Bible may be BS to some, but I still believe it. Even though I am on the Thresh hold of leaving the Crackerjack Organization. The Question still is a Question JWs have to ask theirselves. There are other Questions I have along this line, but they are more speculative. I will give them on YouTube and here.
WHATHEHADAS- Try to understand the WT societies version of what is" perfect " and " imperfect " is only a conditional definition based on who is giving out the meaning. We have the governing body telling rank and file witnesses to OBEY elders even though they are IMPERFECT because Jehovah ( allegedly ) is willing to use them to lead the JW members. Members are told to follow the elders even if they disagree on errant views because they are ( allegedly ) appointed by holy spirit.
But- If a rank and file ordinary witness ( non-elder ) takes an " imperfect " view of something and has an errant view - it is viewed as a sin and possibly deserves a judicial committee meeting being judged by yes, " impefect " elders who may have the same views the rank and file witness did !! So the definition of what people consider " perfect " is a very debateable and varied thing. Just like everybody has a rear end - everybody has a definition of what they consider " perfect " - including the WT society - and their view of what's " perfect " or " imperfect " is tainted and not pretty
Whathehadas: "If this was the First time God create Flesh and Spirit, How would he know it was good. If he had to TEST the creation to see the results. With the Free Will, You can always turn to bad."
Interesting observation. I think we are still in the testing phase. This is why some of us will be "harvested" and some of us will be destroyed. Those who are retained as "harvest" will be those who are willing to be servants and slaves and obey whatever is commanded.
Those who are destroyed will be so because they see and speak truth and have a mind of their own.
I think these alien/demon angels played around with our genetics. We were designed to be a slave class. Somewhere along the line, perhaps we got too much of their DNA and our smarts and courage kicked in. Can't have that!
Those who threaten to disrupt the experiment and the harvest of a slave class must be silenced.
Perfect things and beings don't exist. Prove me wrong.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
That is a perfect question. However, there is no perfect answer.
B the X
Black Sheep
If this was the First time God create Flesh and Spirit, How would he know it was good. If he had to TEST the creation to see the results. With the Free Will, You can always turn to bad.
You are trying to read the Bible as though it contains truth from God, but we don't have any more proof of that than any of the non-christian groups have for their writings or oral myths and legends.
I always had trouble with the differences in the creation accounts. Eventually, I realised that they were not inspired of, or written by, God, but were merely versions of some ancient fireside story that constituted the science of the day.
Even God didn't create 'perfection' because Adam was lonely. That can't be part of perfection, can it?
who gets to define perfect?