I thought I read here that the GB as a group is saying that individually they are modern day apostles.
Can someone please confirm and give references.
Thank you in advance.
by yesidid 24 Replies latest jw friends
I thought I read here that the GB as a group is saying that individually they are modern day apostles.
Can someone please confirm and give references.
Thank you in advance.
Apostles of Crap peddlers maybe!
The Church of Rome believes in Apostalic Succession and even the Eastern Orthodox draw historical links. Witnesses Ecclesiology tries to make a similar connection through their 1919 doctrine and self appointment.
Well there are 12 of them, which speaks for itself! I know it sounds stupid, but i never noticed the significance of the fact there are 12 members of the GB until recently.
Hell no. They equate themselves with God himself.
The GB follow the same dictum used by the College of Cardinals of the RCC- extra ecclesium nulla salus
There are only nine of them BH.
I doubt that they would lower themselves to the level of Apostles.
Some are confusing the WTS with the LDS when you think the GB consists of 12 members; there have been as many as 18 and as few as 10. The LDS has 12 members on their controlling body and they call them apostles.
Here is a quote that seems to indicate that the WTS does not consider current GB members to be apostles.
*** w71 12/15 p. 761 A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation ***Dedicated, baptized, anointed Christians became associated with that Society at headquarters in Pennsylvania. Whether on the Board of Directors or not, they rendered themselves available for special work of the "faithful and discreet slave" class. They aided in the feeding and directing of the slave class, and thus a governing body made its appearance. This was evidently under the guidance of Jehovah’s invisible active force or holy spirit. Also, under the direction of the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ the Son of God. True, the members of that governing body were not directly appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ. For that matter, not all the members of the governing body associated with the Jerusalem congregation in the first century were thus directly appointed. How, then, were those "elders" of the Jerusalem congregation who were not numbered among the twelve apostles made members of the governing body? Evidently by appointment of the original twelve apostles, acting under the guidance of Jehovah’s holy spirit.
This is illustrated by the action of those twelve apostles when appointing Stephen and Philip and five other men to take care of certain business of the Jerusalem congregation. (Acts 6:1-8) Also, the apostle Paul pointed out in his remarks to the elders of the Ephesus congregation that the overseers of God’s flock of spiritual sheep were appointed by God’s holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) Thus, too, even though there were no apostles of Christ on hand in the nineteenth century, God’s holy spirit must have been operative toward the formation of the governing body for his anointed remnant of the "faithful and discreet slave" class. The facts speak for themselves. There came on the scene a body of anointed Christians who accepted and undertook the responsibilities of governing the affairs of Jehovah’s dedicated, baptized, anointed people who were following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and endeavoring to fulfill the work stated in Jesus’ prophecy at Matthew 24:45-47. Facts speak louder than words. The governing body is there. Thankfully Jehovah’s Christian witnesses know and assert that this is no one-man religious organization, but that it has a governing body of spirit-anointed Christians.
IOW- they are not saying that they are apostles, they are saying that some of the apostles were the governing body.
IOW- they are not saying that they are apostles, they are saying that some of the apostles were the governing body.