HUBERT- I do think the GB is making themselves God to be sure. I think all the ultra control will drive more exiting out the doors of the witnesses. If they started living in communes I think we'd really have to worry- then they'd do something radical for sure
Aug. 15th WT- "Jehovah Only Loves Those Who Obey the Governing Body "
by flipper 73 Replies latest jw friends
When the Governing Body appoints a FEMALE to the panel...then we'll talk. Until then its nothing but a Good Ole Boyz Club lording it over the flocks and getting their every need taken care of by the empire. Their only concern is to keep the chuck wagon rollin until they die and then its somebody elses problem.
WUZ LOVES DUBS- Very true, the WT society and Jehovah's Witnesses are a VERY patriarchal organization. And the GB is a good ole boys club. Yes they do get their every need taken care of. Think about it. I bet Jaracz right now is getting every medical need of his taken care of after his recent stroke by the society. But what about the hundreds of Bethelites who got let go after serving 20 to 40 years and what happens to THEM now if they suffer a stroke ? What if THEY get a debilitating illness after being sent to pasture ? They better have rich relatives or people who will care for them is all I can say. It's sad. And disgusting
According to the bible and my understanding of it, the one time Jehovah anointed a "King" was Saul, yet this did not stop David being at loggerheads with him constantly, even ridiculing him from the hill top after entering his tent.
He was not disciplined for this at all
The GB is now running scared.
We are all still here, long after they expected to be in Heaven. Money is running out, and the sheeple are becoming less willing to just ask "how high" when told to jump.
Remember all the counsel about attending the Bookstudy? They finally had to ditch it, as it was the worrst attended meeting.
Repeated appeals for money are not working as families are in difficulty.
This "obedience" campaign is preparation for instituting a tithing arrangement, and getting people to stop doing independent reasearch, which almost invariably leads to apostasy.
KAYTEE- Very true , like you say there are lots of examples in the Bible where people didn't show obedience to leadership and still were approved by God. David is one example. Also Peter even denied Christ- but he got cut slack. The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are just egotistical and full of wanting worship instead of God.
HAMSTERBAIT- I too believe the GB is running scared. Lots of young witnesses are leaving ( 2 out of 3 raised in the witnesses end up leaving. ) And combining the book study with the school and service meeting means they will try to improve their attendance of members. And exactly- if they think they are going to get MORE contributions from families in this economy- they have another think coming. The GB does anything to control these people - especially " information control" so the rank and file witnesses are in the dark most of the time as to what the society will do next. Easier to control members that way
I love how they have to dredge up Old Testament accounts to support their authority system. They totally circumvent the fact that Jesus abolished that arrangement and made his own "covenant" with his followers.
Pathetic drivel, and yet the R&F eat it up like ice cream. Witness Rianna's comments for an example.
I love how they have to dredge up Old Testament accounts to support their authority system. They totally circumvent the fact that Jesus abolished that arrangement and made his own "covenant" with his followers.
Pathetic drivel, and yet the R&F eat it up like ice cream. Witness Rianna's comments for an example.
I agree. No wonder they stopped called it the 'New Testament'. They want you to think it is just "more of the same".
All the best,
JEEPRUBE- It is interesting how the witnesses pick and choose which part of the scriptures apply to them in the present day- and which don't. I wonder what their criteria is for figuring it out. I think it's called " justification " and wanting to be right all the time.
CHALAM- It may be called the " new testament " but it was written thousands of years ago. So I wonder- New to who ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
It's very sad that the only way they can preserve their "unity at all costs" is by instilling fear.