Research can be exhausting

by homeschool 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • homeschool

    ....and I can completely see why so many jw's take what is given to them as opposed to doing their research. My sister & I have started studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach" and I'm referencing and cross referencing and finding all sorts of stuff to confront her with in a nonconfrontational way, but its tiring! I really appreciate those who've already done their research & share it with us. I'm not taking their words for fact until I do futher research. Its neverending!

    In the appendix on the book (pgs 195-197), it talks about how Jesus' name can be pronounced in many different languages, just as our own names may be pronounced differently. So why do the jw's go solely with the English proncunciation of "Jehovah" universally, when really, they could have chosen just to go with Yaweh from the get-go, since that is truly the closest to the original YHWH?

    I need a nap. Happy 4th of July!

  • shamus100

    I have a few suggestions:

    Suggestion #1: Just be a dub and don't question anything. Underline the right answers so you can look really cool regurgitating answers like someone who is brain-dead.

    Suggestion #2: Become and athiest! (Recommended) Decide for yourself that the bible is complete and utter bullshit so there is no need to delve deep into the deeper things of the fairy-tale book. Go back to school, concentrate on your career, go on a holiday - enjoy your time!

    Suggestion #3: Smoke weed. Just start smoking pot and let your brain fry baby! Watch the Simpsons, Fox News, and eat pork rinds.

    Suggestion #4: Join the army. Go kill some infidels and forget your problems.

  • homeschool

    hmmmm, lol. I'm wanting to go with option number two, although agnostic seems more my route. I do NOT believe the bible is the truth, but the people I'm trying to get out of the cult DO believe its the truth, so I need to pretend for awhile. Shamus, just as a sidenote do you explain the prophecies made that came true? I tried doing some research on that topic yesterday and couldn't come up with anything satisfying. Do you believe they were written after the fact, although people say there's proof otherwise?

  • shamus100

    how do you explain the prophecies made that came true?

    What prophecies? Do you mean the nonsense about there being earthquakes, wars, famine, etc? Actually, we live in some of the BEST times this earth has ever seen - and that's a fact.

  • homeschool

    right fo' sho' on that. I know....I think I'm referring to Daniel's prophecy about Babylon never being inhabited again or how cyrus was going to be the one to do that.

  • shamus100

    right fo' sho' on that. I know....I think I'm referring to Daniel's prophecy about Babylon never being inhabited again or how cyrus was going to be the one to do that.

    I'll let the bible scholars with time on theyr hands to answer that. Really, there are a thousand different ways to decipher the bible, and your familia will always get stuck on the old "you need Jehovahs holy spirit" to understand. It will be a difficult uphill battle to convince them otherwise, and, if you choose to try to convince them, I strongly recommend long bouts of #3 when you get tired of it. This "religion" has many safeguards built-into it that assures anyone questioning that it's not "god's fault but yours" mentality.

  • kurtbethel

    This is a very good reference for the Bible Teach book. I have found it has thought provoking questions to bring up during a study.

    Be careful because JWs often like to BS their way through a study. If she tells some anecdote about someone or says that "christendom" teaches something, press for details. Who did it happen to? When and where? What publication did christendom teach that in? You will find that often those claims will evaporate as the unsubstantiated urban legends they are and the point being made will also crumble.

  • sir82
    So why do the jw's go solely with the English proncunciation of "Jehovah" universally

    FYI, if you plan on using this point....

    They don't. In other languages the pronunciation is much different than how it sounds in English.

    I think it's in print somewhere that they choose to use "Jehovah" instead of "Yahweh" in English because more people were familiar with the former term.

  • Chalam

    Hi Homeshcool,

    ..and I can completely see why so many jw's take what is given to them as opposed to doing their research. My sister & I have started studying "What Does the Bible Really Teach" and I'm referencing and cross referencing and finding all sorts of stuff to confront her with in a nonconfrontational way, but its tiring! I really appreciate those who've already done their research & share it with us. I'm not taking their words for fact until I do futher research. Its neverending!

    Yes that is how it is designed, to weight you down and totally confuse you till you reach the point of submission where you just accept their drivel.

    Surely you have seen enough to see they obviously do not have "the truth" at all?

    If so, why bother studying with them at all? Just get on with it yourself, the bible (not NWT!), the Holy Spirit and you.

    This is another thing they certainly do not want you to do because once again, you will soon come to a radically different conclusion to their teaching.

    All the best,


  • truthseeker


    See if you can find anything in the book that mentions "THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE CLASS" or "GOVERNING BODY"

    These are fundamental teachings that are deliberately left out of the book.

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