Influx of new JW apologists?

by Chalam 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    Some could even be active witlesses that think they are going to turn us back into the cancer. For those, I strongly suggest examining objectively whether the real benefit (not some inflated benefit or imaginary reward) is greater than, less than, or equal to the actual cost of doing what you are supposed to. Cheating on this analysis by "Of course it's worth it" or "You need faith" is strongly disregarded and will result in wasting your life doing something to support a complete scam.

    Once you have done that, start analyzing whether it is even the truth. Cross-reference through several different Bibles, if you must. If you see that the Washtowel doesn't agree with the Bible on critical matters, or if the Bible itself lies, or both, are you really better off staying?

  • brinjen

    They don't bother me. I read their posts and think of the lovely Xmas cards I received last year, the yummy chocolate eggs and hot cross buns I ate just this last April, the fun of the fireworks less than a week ago (Cracker night to celebrate Northern Territory's independence from the federal governement), my man (whom I'm not married to) who is great in bed... and gives the best oral sex ever, how nice it is to be able to think for myself. And I thank the FSM I'm not like them! prayFSM

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think one single JW apologist does more than 10 ex-JW posters to help lurkers see how ridiculous the WTS is.
    I am glad they are here. They liven the place up and help newbies to see how they had a closed mind before they got the nerve up to join JWN.

    I get just as upset at some of their comments as the next person, but that's part of the give and take here.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I think one single JW apologist does more than 10 ex-JW posters to help lurkers see how ridiculous the WTS is.
    I am glad they are here. They liven the place up and help newbies to see how they had a closed mind before they got the nerve up to join JWN.

    A very good point. There is nothing so effective as seeing those programmed WTBS voices that used to be in all of our heads exposed as frauds on this board. I used to print off threads 7 years ago to give to my wife and it made a huge impact on her, seeing the JW apologist argument shut up time and again.

    There is a reason the Society forbids Witnesses from reading sites like this.

    It does make a difference and believe me there are more lurkers on this board than posters.


  • shamus100

    shamus, once again you fail to make a coherent point

    I don't think the problem is on my end.

    Reinnuta, Spikey Tasseel, Scholar,

    They don't know how foolish they appear. Personally I don't give two shits if someone wants to go be a Jehovahs Witness, and I encourage anyone who wants to be one to go and do it. It's not my problem if someone doesn't want to use common-sense that god gave them.

    I've seen several people questioning looking at these peoples posts saying WTF?? It's obvious that some of completely off theyre rockers, and some are just mis-guided.

    In any event, it's important not to judge Juhuvahs Witlesses on what we say, or what the nutjobs on the other side say here. It's important to base your beliefs on facts and facts alone, make your decision and go with it.

  • steve2

    I have a lot of empathy for JW apologists:

    They occupy "no man's land" because they're neither in the organization nor out of it. Even those who valiantly defend Watchtower policies cannot then go to their local Kingdom Hall and "confess" visiting apostate sites.

    From a more positive point of view, every single moment a JW apologist spends on a site such as this extends their exposure to alternative points of view that would be roundly condemned in a Kingdom Hall. In my view, even the most ardent JW apologist on this site cannot be fully at home in the Kingdon Hall or else that's where they'd be - oh, and also witnessing door-to-door.

  • BurnTheShips
    Is it me or have there been several new JW apologists join in recent weeks?

    They are the first stage:


    Later you will see them act angry. Once they pass through the bargaining and depression stages, they will, in acceptance, be rolling around in the apostate mud with the rest of us.

    However, it takes some more time to get through the five stages of grief than it does for others.


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    However, it takes some more time to get through the five stages of grief than it does for others.


    You're starting to sound like Rick Warren

  • GromitSK

    I think it is good to have JW apologists here. To play Devils's advocate is sometimes a very effective way to get at the truth (not that they are playing of course). In the responses to the points they make, there is an opportunity for them either to listen and at least consider that they may be wrong or ignore it. Either way sooner or later someone more open-minded will come along, read the dialogue and form their own view. So although some may remain in their conviction that the WTS is telling the truth, it's their problem and others will have their minds opened enough to question their own beliefs.

    It seems to me that JWs are just one more in a long line of organised religions, cults and sub-cults going back millennia into the mists of time. I am certain that adherent of all their predecessors would have argued equally passionately and sincerely that Jupiter/Odin/Ahura Mazda/<insert deity name here> was the true God and that many were equally convinced that the sacred writings were inspired and authoritative. I can see no reason why this will not extend into the mists of the future, the deity-du-jour slowly morphing.

  • steve2

    It seems to me that JWs are just one more in a long line of organised religions, cults and sub-cults going back millennia into the mists of time.

    Well said GromitSK!

    JW apologists are just one group of an endless number of groups who feel constrained to defend "official" religious beliefs. Each religious group spawns advocates whose role is to ensure the beliefs are defended.

    In a very welcome way, the fact that the apologists visit this site is emerging evidence that they are nonetheless "breaking free" because were they bona fide believers in the organization this is the very last place they'd visit.

    Meanwhile, fellow "apostates", give 'em a break. It's not that JW apologists are fragile and need to be handled carefully. But credit where it's due: for many JW apologists - but admittedly not all of them - this may actually be the first baby steps towards breaking free.

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