God caused homosexuality to exist...it was his will?

by oompa 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oompa

    Yes i think he did. I remembered this after reading the thread in adult about homosexual sex. My brother is gay and we are close, but only since i woke up, and it has been really nice making up for the lost 25 years. So i told my elder/day a few months ago.......while talking about my new friendship with my brother.......that God is the one who "made" homosexuals....of course he said "No, it was the result of Adams sin".....

    However!......my dad and others dubs say this "sin" was passed on genetically......like the dent in the bread pan thingy...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO does anyone think Adam was able to actually alter/change his frikkin DNA?!?!?!.......NOOOOOOO....only god could do that knowing full well the repercussion of such a genetic change. Why would god do such a thing and then immediately write a bunch of rules condemning homosexuality??.......

    dubs also teach that the closer man was to the time of Adam....the closer to perfection they were, thus the longer lifespan.....but look how fast gayness was on the earthly scene!!!!.....whole frikkin gay cities had sprung up!!!.....so it was already around a long time before Lot got laid by his daughters!!.....so maybe it was in the ORIGINAL genetic markers???...food for thought..............oompa

    btw...my dad said "well yes...i suppose you could win that argument".........wow

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Noah was raped by his grandson...true look it up in the Insight volumes!

  • WTWizard

    And independent thinking was caused by God--He also made us with that capacity. And then He strongly punishes us for it--in fact, that is His strictest rule that we do not think for ourselves.

  • truthseeker

    I don't know about this one.

    It could just be that "the knowledge of good and bad" gave them more choices than they would perhaps have considered.

    I believe some gays are born this way.

    I don't think God created it, at least not as a deliberate act, but then what is sin? Who altered our DNA so we grow old and die?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Statements that could be taken a different way:

    My brother is gay and we are close, but only since i woke up, and it has been really nice making up for the lost 25 years.

    But seriously, it has been discussed that animals were/are gay. God allows that. For a guy who hates gayness, God has tolerated in in his creation for quite a bit.

    You have a great point on the dented pan analogy. Adam doesn't suddenly pass on a gay gene because a bite of fruit causes his very chromosones to realign, it's something God would have had to do.

    It seems to me that Bible writers from the very beginning were homophobes.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    I believe it comes down to the examination of the word "need."

    For instance, God apparently had a need to create things. He must also have had a "need" to be worshiped since he demands it. If man was indeed made in God's image he would therefore also have "needs." If a man needs another man he is driven by a desire which must have been included in our original list of options. It seems that it is humans who have labeled that particular choice as unnatural and contrived by other earthlings.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    If it was just a basic sin indentured to all males why don't all males have this inward desire for this kind of sexuality.

    Could it be genetic hormonal imbalance as found out recently by social behaviorists.

    There are many genetic malformations that humans are born with as we know, homosexuality is just another .

    Unfortunately thousands of year old religionists haven't quite caught the grasp of this yet, mostly due to their lack of education

    and their devised structuring of the power they have obtained.

    When you try and follow into the intellect knowledge of men that lived thousands of years ago your bound to

    indulge and express in the same type of ignorance as they did , logically speaking.

    For hundreds maybe thousands of years ancient civilized cultures tortured and killed people with

    this apparent abnormality of human sexuality.

    It wasn't right then and it isn't right today.

  • cameo-d

    OTWO: "Adam doesn't suddenly pass on a gay gene because a bite of fruit causes his very chromosones to realign, it's something God would have had to do. "

    Your premise is incorrect. You can alter your DNA/RNA by contaminated consumption and by ingesting poisons, drugs, contracting VD, viruses, etc.

    God has nothing to do with it.

    DNA can be permanently altered by mutations. Mutations can be caused by many of the above things.

  • loosie
    my dad and others dubs say this "sin" was passed on genetically......like the dent in the bread pan thingy...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO does anyone think Adam was able to actually alter/change his frikkin DNA?!?!?!.......

    I like this point.

    He must also have had a "need" to be worshiped since he demands it.

    Amd why does a surpreme being need to be worshipped?

  • WuzLovesDubs

    And why does a surpreme being need to be worshipped?

    Its like Michael Jackson...no matter how much people say they love and adore him, he never felt the love.

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