Who has more power in the congregation? Brothers or Sisters?
by asilentone 22 Replies latest jw experiences
All official power is held by the men, which means that a lot of unofficial clout is wielded by women who are willing to manipulate the system. I know of at least one situation (very close friends of ours many years ago) where this was true. I liked the guy, but he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed and his wife had some good methods for getting him to go where she wanted.
All in the name of doing the best for Jehovah, of course.
I would agree with JeffT's assessment of the situation.
Brothers "have" the power.
Sisters can manipulate the brothers in how they use it.
Both brothers and sisters wield power in different ways but it is the brothers (elders) who have the power of "life and death" through disfellowshipping and thus eliminate any sister.
The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. ICor.14: 34
Please do not hit me until you read below !!!!!!!!
1 Now concerning spiritual {gifts,} brethren, I do not want you to be unaware.
2 You know that when you were pagans, {you were} led astray to the dumb idols, however you were led.
We realize that some that attend the Corinth church are still involved with pagan idols. He points out that the members were once led astray themselves. Paul leads his readers towards compassion and reconciliation towards those that are still unconverted "pagans" in their midst.
3 Therefore I make known to you, that no one[i] speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is accursed"; and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
Why is Paul making such an obvious statement? Doesn't everyone already KNOW that anyone saying, "Jesus is accursed" is not speaking by the spirit of God? Paul goes on to explain and defend spiritual gifts, talk about love, and finally reprimand women or wives causing disturbances in chapter 14. The only way the words "Jesus is accursed" fits into the rebuke that follows is if Paul is reacting to a specific incident reported to him that he needs to deal with. In these statements he is first bringing up the subject of what has happened in the Corinthian church! Misguided persons--still considered pagans-- have disrupted services with a false prophecy of "Jesus is accursed!" and opposing true prophets have countered with, "Jesus is Lord!" in reply!
BTTT.. to hi light the thought of 1cor 14:34 being posted on another thread
Let the reader use discernment and see the complete context and original application !
Power always belongs to men (unless there is no 'qualified' male to take the lead-see branch manual for further direction)
Influence however is a co-ed sport
I think influence varies from congregation to congregation.
My KH was very much influenced by one male, now it is more influenced by the writings/bylaws of the Watchtower Service Department.
(((( Writing needs to kick Service's azz back down to it's pyramid ranking))))
Regardless of the influence that individual women may have over their husbands or elders in the JW congregations,
the Watchtower organization is run by men.At the congregation level, a handful of men don't even have much power. The congregation answers to the C.O. who answers to Mother.
If you consider power to be deciding what color the carpet should be, or who gets to feed the Circuit Overseer on Sunday and who gets to come to the gatherings, then women have that power to a higher degree.If you consider power to be deciding what brothers should be ministerial servants and what sisters should be pioneers, the brothers can bully each other into ignoring their wives' and the older sisters' opinions. The brothers decide those things.
Mickey mouse
At the congregation level, a handful of men don't even have much power. The congregation answers to the C.O. who answers to Mother.
So the organization is run by a woman!