Whose Prayers Are Heard?

by compound complex 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "But Peter began, and said, 'Now I really understand that God is not a respecter of persons, but in every nation he who fears him anddoes what is right is acceptable to him.' " --- Acts 10:34, 35; DOUAY VERSION

    As a JW, if you were one, did you truly believe that God would answer the prayer of a "worldly" individual only if he were praying: "Dear God, I'm desperate! Help me!" (JW appears at door with life-saving message). Or, according to Peter's declaration, did/do you feel that God would respond to anyone praying to him, without the agency of a Witness?

    Your then and current thoughts are appreciated.

    Thank you.


    Please see: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/124592/1/God-is-not-a-respecter-of-persons

  • villabolo

    As a witness I thought we were hot s**t and that Jehovah would only listen to us. Now I'm an atheist so the issue is moot but If I believed in God it would be a Deistic God who doesn't much listen to prayers from anyone.

  • loosie

    I think only you hear your own prayers.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, villa and loosie.

    I appreciate your comments.


  • leavingwt

    Typical JW statement: "If you pray without Jehovah's name, he won't hear it."

  • VIII

    I came across a web site that I found interesting. It brings up a question that I haven't seen answered:

    "Why God won't heal Amputees'?


    When I say I haven't seen this question answered, I mean I haven't seen one amputee show up on TV as a former amputee.

    There are former cancer patients. Who have had a round of chemo and radiation and still claim God answered their prayers and made their cancer go away.

    And other people who claim God answered their prayer for something. Like a new house. And Habitat for Humanity showed up a month later.

    But, I still haven't seen an amputee show up. I wonder why?

    Is praying for a limb(s) trivial? Is God too busy curing cancer that he can't reattach a limb?

  • WTWizard

    Even while I was a witless, I realized that Jehovah only favorably answered prayers if they were for things that benefitted Himself anyways. He heard prayers, and answered them (NO), but never favorably unless they were things for Him. To me, that was a total waste, since He would answer them if it benefitted Him whether or not I made them, and He would always say "NO" if they were for my benefit regardless.

  • PSacramento

    God hears anyone that has God in their heart.

  • oompa

    I forget the official answer verse from the bible....but praying in jesus name or to god is not the qualifier.....if you ask anything but "doubt"...he will not hear it if i recall.....what a catch22....i always doubted and wanted to get over the doubts so would pray to have them go away, but of course was doubting at the time so knew it would never be heard....mindfluck!....oompa

    ya found it.......james 1:6,7....one of my faves....doubt and you will receive NOTHING!!!

  • PSacramento

    I don't think its a question of having "no doubt", even the disciples had doubts.

    Its a question of genuine belief, Faith, Hope, fueled by Love for God and his Son Jesus.

    We all are imperfect and none of us have 100% faith, but thsoe that have 100% Love, have God and Jesus in their hearts.

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