Not sure if anyone else has heard, but here in the Portuguese district that covers southern Ontario and Montreal had their convention cut from 3 days to 2 days. When it was announced they told the congregation that they would be getting the same program in 2 days......but weeks later they were told that they could not take part in the invitation campaign because the theme of the public talk was printed on the flyer and they were not having a public talk. Does anyone know the reason why they would do this to just this one group? Is this something all language groups will see in the future? Any insight would be appreciated.
Portuguese get jipped
by JWinprotest 21 Replies latest jw friends
like "ripped off by gypsies"?
That's right, i thought that was odd
my sister goes to an english hall and had a 3 day convention last weekend, and my mom goes to a portuguese hall and her convention this week-end was only 2 days - what's up with that?
of course I took the opportunity to tell my mom how everything from meetings to magazines to now even conventions now are being cut-back
maybe the protuguese talk faster than english speaking peeps!!!!
They can do in two days what takes others three!!!
Black Sheep
Maybe they have less money??
Somebody told me the reason may be that they are short on brothers that can deliver talks, but I find that difficult to believe because they are already bringing in english brothers to deliver talks and having them translated by a Portuguese brother, so why wouldn't they just get more. I'm not Portuguese but they seem to always get the short end of the stick. First, having all their congregations abolished back in the mid 90's only to be reinstated a few years later. Then I see witnesses from Montreal travelling 5 hours for one day conventions ( which is unheard of here). Last year a Portuguese congregation in the area was transfered to a KH where the majority would have to travel 30 minutes as opposed to 5 min, so they can give their spot to the up and coming Tamil congregation (their rate of recruiting was much more superior to the portuguese). Now this?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I would call them lucky to have one less day. This is long overdue to reduce it to two days.
Of course, armageddon is long overdue, so they all should just be cancelled.
I am sure it is a provision from seems strange they could not just employ or find anohter interpreter.....there must be something else causing this, especially since the 'keynote' topic is not going to happen....did they get bought off to use the facility for something else?
having all their congregations abolished back in the mid 90's only to be reinstated a few years later.
Please tell more about this.
Could you send a link or write about it?
I'm very interested in finding more about
what took place.
I sent you a PM.