The Missing Issues of the Herald of the Morning Magazine 1877-1878

by cabasilas 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cabasilas

    That's fantastic!!!

    Would you be willing to make them available (either by marketing a CD or otherwise)?

  • RR

    When I get home, I'll see if I can dig up the CD, I'm on vacation!


  • cabasilas

    Thanks for being willing to do that!!

    I hope you're having a good vacation! I kept up with JWD recently myself while on vacation in Arizona.

  • cabasilas

    Hey RR,

    Any luck finding the CD? Not that I'm anxious or anything.... :)

  • cabasilas

    I just noticed on a website that is dedicated to research on early Bible Student/JW history is a picture of a Herald of the Morning that has not been made public before (at least in recent times). It's the January 1874 The Midnight Cry - Herald of the Morning for January 1874. Volume 1, number 2. A picture of its cover can be seen at:

    As far as I know, there is no plan to release more information at this time. However, the people at that website are working on the soon release of a biography of N.H. Barbour.

  • cabasilas


    For those who are interested in older issues of Barbour's magazine, the folks over at

    are making a PDF available of an early issue of The Midnight Cry and the Herald of the Morning. It's the January 1874 issue which has never before been public to researchers. Issues of this magazine are very significant in understanding the influences and history of the Barbour/Russell movement. It was issues of this magazine which Charles Taze Russell read in 1875/6 which led to his accepting the idea of an invisible presence of Christ in 1874 and the 1874-1914 chronology.

    Information on how to obtain a PDF copy of this issue can be found at:

    Contributions for the PDF will be used by these researchers to provide more photocopies of other older Watchtower related publications. It's a worthy cause.

    Perhaps later more issues of The Herald of the Morning will surface.

  • VM44

    This is very interesting. I also would like to see these "missing" issues!

    From what I read in cabasilas's posting, the missing issues are the June 15, 1878 and August 1, 1877 issues of the Herald.

    RR, would these issues be easy for you to extract from your scanned collection?

    These issues would provide insight of what was being taught during these "pre-watchtower" years.


  • cabasilas

    Actually, I think there are more issues than just those two. Those two are referenced by Peters in The Theocratic Kingdom. But, I believe there were a few others from that time period. Yes, it'd be great to read these to see the developing teaching of Barbour and Russell in that period.

  • RR

    Guess what I found???? I take paypal LOL

  • cabasilas


    That'd be your right, RR. No one would begrudge that choice.

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