Idjit rhymes w midgit. Political correctness gone nuts.
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Idjit rhymes w midgit. Political correctness gone nuts.
What on earth is the world coming to?
Midget vs n*gger? No contest. Midget's just a regular word, the other is an unforgivable slur.
IMO "little people" sounds far more condescending than "midget" does.
Maybe the JW's are right, and the world is about to end lol
I would have never considered the word midget to be offensive. I think if vertically challenged people feel it is, then why not respect them and comply with their request.
I know that political correctness has gone too far, but lots of "labels " are demeaning, and that is what is wrong with them,they serve no useful purpose,they are just used to make the user feel superior.
In which case the user is a pr*ck !
While we are on the subject how would most blokes feel if they were referred to by the size of theirs?
Might be O.K with me if they could call me Donkey Boy, but in truth it is more likely that I would be called Little Richard (or Dick )
Along that line Wobble, aren't there pickles, the kind you eat, called Midget?
So, now what? We can't have Midget cars? No Midget pickles?
Making it a term that is in the same category as the *N* word is nutz.
Here is an honest question. Why is the word 'retarded' considered derogatory? (I am not talking about the noun 'retard'.)
To me it is just referring to the process that occurred in their brain development, which is not an attribute or personal flaw but rather a disease state. I don't get mad when people call me a hemophiliac for the same reason (although thrombocytopenic would be more descriptive, and equally nonoffensive).
–verb (used with object) 1. to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede. –verb (used without object) 2. to be delayed.
–noun 1. (not in technical use) an extremely small person having normal physical proportions. 2. any animal or thing that is very small for its kind. –adjective 3. very small or of a class below the usual size. 4. being a miniature replica or model. Why is it offensive??????
Personally, being called a *retard* when young was no biggie. Being called stupid was worse. Retard, at least where I grew up, was a teasing term.
Being called stupid was an outright insult.
It seems in the last few years (decade), saying retard, retarded, etc., is derogatory. Who knew until one heard it on the news? Not I. But, I generally don't call adults retards. Nor children.
My sister has called me far worse as a child and teen.
There are so many terms that can be considered deragatory now; I just call people assholes. It seems all encompassing.
I consider many JWs as "mental midgets."
When I was young I was called "Porky" by peers because of my size. Now that I'm grown does this mean I'm like all men, a "pig"?
Berean, according to the Urban Dictionary, Porky is either a larger person or a big, fat lie.
I don't consider all men "Pigs". Just my father and a few others I've known.