I started relaying this expereince quite a while back...just thought I would finish it up.
It was a hot summer. Too hot to sleep in the house. My ex and myself talked about how nice it would be to get away for a camping trip, but we knew we wouldn't be able to work it into the schedule...so hey, we decided to pitch a tent in the back yard, and spend a night or two under the stars.
It was great. The pets we had loved it too. Our dog could sleep with us for once. The cats could do their thing too. All in the comfort of our tent, and we could be one big happy family.
It was nice too. Laying back, listening to the trees swoosh around. It sure beat the whirl of the ceiling fan. Our bed was a little lumpy too, and just sleeping on an air mattress for a change was really nice. I've always loved change, as long as I was one who wanted it. Change; any change, on my terms though. Moving the furniture around or painting a room for example...it made things "new". I like new things too. Little did I know, that night was beginning of new changes for me...only I wasn't the one in control, and it was one that I really didn't want.
It was a long time ago. 95'. As long ago as it was, I still remember like it was yesterday...maybe even like it was 10 minutes ago. This is the first time I have ever put it in print, and I can feel my heart racing a tad as i type. Perhaps this is why I like elephants so much now that I think about it again. They don't forget, and neither can I. Do elephants remember the good things that happen to them too? Or like me, mostly just the bad?
Our yard had I big empty lot behind it. Multiple lots, and it was all vacant.
I'll never forget the little girl that woke me up that morning. She sounded as though she was very young. I love my sleep, and this little girl woke me up out of a very deep one.
It must have been around 6am. The sun was making its way up, and I wanted no part of it. It was time to go back to sleep. As I started to drift towards unconsciousness yet again, I heard her crying.Her sound was really only a whimper, but it was enough to make me pay attention. My eyes opened. With my head laying down, facing the direction of the lots behind us, I could tell she was back there. Ignorance indeed IS bliss, and I just wanted to sleep, so i ignored her, and did my best to drift of once again....my eyes closed once more. My blood was pumping through my body, driving me towards consciousness. The small girl, was still whimpering, and soon it became apparent that If was to return to sleep, this girl was going to have to stop.
The inside of our tent was motionless. Wife, dog, cats; everyone but me sleeping away. I sat up, preparing myself for a bit of a confrontation with this girl who insisted upon waking me. The nerve, it was SOO early.( i know it sounds mean, as i should have been concerned with this whimpering, but i was still half asleep)
As i sat up, in the blink of an eye, this is when it all changed for me. The girl was crying from behind the empty lots behind the house! But not now she wasn't, her whimper came from IN FRONT of the tent, TOWARDS my house! At this point, fear enveloped me. I started to sweat and started making some promises to god. "I will not do this anymore, I will not do that anymore" etc etc. This wasn't something natural to me.I had always believed in spirits, could this be evidence? I sat there in fear and tried my best to consider my options...this was all "new" and I didn't like it one bit. "She" no longer had a whimper, as that "voice" of a little girl changed...it was now just a sound. Not a monotone sound, it was more like a few notes played in succession. Maybe something like 3 notes off of a pipe organ or something. Each note lasting a little less than a second, and there were three, each successively higher in note than the following. "WEEE,EEE,eee." It was very sobering for me to TRY and come to grips with this, just sitting there feeling the fear and my mind racing to keep up.
Pooch put his head up and got to his feet as i sat there, tail waggin and ready to take on a new day. "This must be all in your head lurk3r", I thought to myself, "Your losing it bad". Ex was still asleep, but now the kittens were at work. Time to open the tent and let everyone out. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer still, there was no stopping it. I can't remember how my breath was at the time, but I bet it was short and quick.
I grabbed the zipper and started to slide it open; slowly. The animals could't wait to get out, the sun was a little higher now and it was starting to get humid, some fresh air was welcome...
Opening the flap on the tent, letting the animals out , brought in a woosh of fresh air. I was still freaking out a little though. I sat there, questioning my sanity. It was me, it HAD to be. My head, it was all in my head. I poked my head out of the tent and had a look around. The neighbors cat, our cats, and the dog were all mulling around. I took a deep breath, but stopped short . The "noise" came back, only this time it was different from before - again.
The sliding glass door was open. It was open all night, and it was about 15 ft from the tent. The "wee,ee,eee" sound came right out of the house! In my panic stricken state, my senses were high, and this "sound" was coming from inside, and to the left of the room. It's still odd for me to think of how I could discern that - but I could. My senses were extremely high.
Short of pissing my pants, and my sleeping bag, I was really freaked out. My eyes were glued to the sliding glass door, opened, with a "new" sound coming out. First the crying girl, then a dull "wee ee ee" and now a more direct "wee, ee ,ee" coming directly out of the house, with me paying full attention.
I tried to reassure myself. "This is gonna be ok". I was scared shitless. I admit it even.
Any perception I may have had at the time, with regards to what that was, was about to change on the spot. My dog, walked towards the sliding glass door, approached the threashold to cross into the room and stopped. He put his tail beween his legs, and would not go in. He did not run away, or whimper or anything. He just put his tail between his legs as he stopped.
This was how I knew, if only for myself that spirits exist. I wonder often here how ones dismiss it ALL as in your head. What else could it have been?
As i sat in the tent, my ex had woken up. I didn't have a whole lot to say. Really, what COULD you say? "Honey, don't go into the house, I heard some weird stuff goin on". She got up. Walked out of tent, and into the house. The dog followed right in behind her. I could NOT believe it.
Shortly after, I went in too. I started looking around. Thats when I decided to have a little junk out. I got rid of some books that were given to us by a local sister as a gift. She was young and had always given me the creeps anyways. It was kind of a set in a nice little box. Decorative with a bow on them. I can't remember what else...but there were a few things im sure.
Later on that morning, me and the old, old lady chatted, and she said that she had heard the little girl making a fuss too, but fell back asleep. It was kind of a relief to hear that.
Fastforward about 3 days later. One of my freinds was over, and I was giving him the lowdown on my stereo, and we were listening to some THX efffects watching the TV. "wee, ee, ee" came from the corner in that room, AGAIN! I heard it, over my stereo playing. I turned the stereo down, waited for a second for it to happen again. It didn't. Almost instinctivly, I spoke out loud. "Only come around when it's convienient eh?" I still can't beleive i said that the way I did. Needless to say, my friend, who was a brother, did not stick around, and it was not long before he was gone.
I wasn't "scared", the way I was the morning in the tent. But, I wasn't exactly comfortable either.
There was a couch in that room. A second hand one, that my MIL had got from us from a used furniture store to fill up the house. I called another friend, asked him for some help, and we threw it in the back of my truck. We took it to a local dumpster. I never heard that "voice" again inside my house.
It left me with a lot of questions though.