The traffic attendants really don't know what they are doing. I've been to venues at the Aud where the assemblies are held, and there is usually way more people (sold out seats) and everyone gets out of the parking lots just fine without the attendants in ties standing around doing nothing.
Are the speakers of the District Assembly required to wear a name badge?
by asilentone 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yup, badge or no badge, those Dubs couldn't organize a piss-up in a brewery, really worries me as to how the "Noo System " will go. (Tee Hee)
I guess the old farts giving the snooze making talks are encouraged to wear a badge so they can be identified and dragged onto the platform on time, because as minor celebs. lots of Dubs will be trying to crawl up their arse, sorry meant to say trying to talk to them during the break.
Yes, but they can't use their first name, only their first initial, i.e. R. Johnson
Rub a Dub