Dreaming of retiring in Florida?

by restrangled 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Reconsider! Here is the low down on maintenance and costs.

    First of all with a brand new air system by Trane (2 years) our bill is still 400 a month for cooling a 1650 square foot house. Electricity down here is very, very expensive.

    Mold and Mildew during the summer months will take over a pool, deck, or the side of your house with in days. Pool chems are at least 75.00 a month if not more and pool work is daily.

    A 30 year roof will last possibly 15 years if your lucky. Yes we are lush with foilage, also lush with every possible bug you can imagine. Huge grasshoppers and palmetto bugs (roaches) in every one elses description. The previous so big its shocking.

    Without your knowledge you will be infiltrated by fire ants in your yard, carpenter ants in your roof, Monster wolf spiders in your home, and those damn monster roaches, everywhere.

    Outside every crevice will be over taken by wasps and hornets.

    It takes un-ending work and chems, to keep that "Florida look and feel" going.....

    Think again if you really want to live here.

    Realestate is very cheap again, but maintenance never is.

    Its horribly dry in the fall, and then you spend untold dollars trying to keep your plants and yard from dieing. You rarely can shut off the air conditioning unless it gets dry and cool enough. Usually that means close to a freeze...then you get to pay double for heat.


  • Kudra

    But I heard the neighbors are great.

  • restrangled


    "But I heard the neighbors are great".


  • outofservice

    Amen r.

    I was born and raised in Miami and still have nightmare of the Palmetto Bugs. We had to run into the front door at night because the would swarm by the porch light. One time when I was little I put on a shirt that was dried out on the the line and out crawled a palmetto bug right up my neck EEEKKKK!!!!!! I hated the heat, the humidity, and never being able to sit in the grass because of the fire ants. We have lived in Colorado for 15 years and I will never leave. No Palmetto Bugs no Fire Ants no Humidity. Don't miss Fla at all.

  • restrangled

    Outofservice.....my absolute favorite place....Colorado.....If only we could make a living there.

    The cool dry air, it's temperate......and has the seasons.....what I wouldn't give!!!!!!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    R, there are a lot of factors that will influence your energy bill. How well is your house insulated? Are you taking advantage of shade trees? Is your attic properly ventilated? Is your a/c unit the correct size for your house? Are your windows energy efficient? Have you considered a hydrotemp heat pump to take advantage of the natural cooling? These systems run piped water deep into the earth where it is a constant 60 degrees year round.

    Plus, keep in mind that if you are further north, the heating bill in the winter will kill you.

  • restrangled

    Well Jd....lets consider the following:

    The New Trane system was custom done for our home with a 5 inch filter system added on, which costs a pretty penny in filters every year due to the size.. This was a custom built home in 1980, and if your think I am going to replace 10....6x5 foot windows plus all the others you are out of your mind...single pane but covered in wood blinds to block heat or let in Sun depending on the season. None facing west or south. I have a 100 year old oak and 19 foot bamboo that shades the entire back of the house.

    All that hangs over the pool,....the filter runs 15 hours a day to keep the pool clean.

    The foilage makes extra work, but keeps the entire back yard 10 to 20 degrees cooler in the summer than anywhere else in the yard. It also protects a huge wood deck around the pool. the portions exposed to the sun have to be replaced after a couple of years, the portions in the shade look brand new after 5 years.

    That foilage also invites the bugs, the beautiful deck invites wild animals to nest under it, which invites my dog to destroy the hell out of the wood trying to get at them.....there is no easy answer.


  • shamus100

    Ever hear of "a nice place to visit", LOL.

    It sounds like hell.

  • restrangled

    Yes Shamus, some fine day, we can retire and get out of Florida!


  • Satanus

    Strange. You never see a single bug in miami csi, just cool music and beautiful babes.


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