A couple of observations:
The big WT looked like a 'dub only' study version. I know that it's easy enough for inactive family members to score these, but Conan O'Brien? So much for that channel of light to be kept in check...
The skit wasn't that funny to me. The SNL 'land shark' skit. Now, that was funny. I was a young JW and thought it was funny, though my parents were insulted by it.
...the study version of our dear Watchtower with the words Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom prominently on the front cover. It was over-sized and appeared to be an exact duplicate of our precious magazine.
Dubs wouldn't bat an eyelid at a sketch presenting a Bible, they sadly believe their literature is more important
I would've been embarrassed myself, had I still been in, but you're right. The ones that are truly indoctrinated see the sketch and the guys carrying the magazine and feel an emotional attachment to it...to the point of calling it 'dear' and 'precious'. If the faux brothers were carrying a Bible, these same dubs who saw this skit would not have had an emotional reaction to is as they did the magazine.
A Christian should hold the Bible as sacred, as precious and dear. Yet JWs hold the WT publications in higher esteem than the Bible. They'll argue the point, but the reactions to things like this skit prove otherwise.