I didn't mock Jackson so much as I mocked everyone who fell under this spell of worshipping him.
How Many Are Watching the Jackson Memorial Now?
by cabasilas 112 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for the reminder. It's funny how our society forgets whats really important.
keyser soze
I don't really understand the fascination myself. He was a great entertainer, I suppose, but I don't believe a person's worth is measured by how many albums they sell, or how many stadiums they can sell out. Why is everyone behaving as if they've lost someone near and dear to them?
I don't understand it myself, Keyser.
Elvis's death was a huge deal too - but I'd like to think that society has grown since then. How someone regarded on these message boards as less than shit one minute - turned - black jesus the next is stunning to say the least.
Oh well. Nobody wants to listen to a dumb monkey.
"Wow!! There are 40,000,000 black people in America......do they all have the same culture??? Are blacks in Miami, Texas and Oakland all the same??? Bad english, menial jobs, drankin' 40 ozs., driving cadillacs and eatin' wallamellon???
There is a large amount of diversity in the black community. I have never understood "Acting White" or Acting Black. Do the whites in lower Appalachia ACT White??? What about the ones in the trailer parks across the midwest. Boston?? Odessa, Texas???? There is diversity there as well. All are not magically gifted with the blessing of wealth, intelligence and success.
As a black male, the connotations associated with these statements is incredible. I assume you believe all Asians are good at math as well."
Whoever said this (I couldn't see the name) I totally agree.
Michael Jackson's death only caused a ripple over here and my feeling is how could a guy who lead such a controversial life be forgotten so easily.
Nobody wants to listen to a dumb monkey. ql of the scanning the horizon for a dumb monkey but don't see any, class
I have never understood "Acting White" or Acting Black.
It's generalization, Mrs. Jones. Off the wall opinions are based on it.
(oh, btw, how is your watermelon? I'm at the pride parade right now...)
Watermelon has been good this year, gonna pick one up tonight.
keyser soze
I'm at the pride parade right now...)
Which Guys and Dollscharacter are you dressed as?