that phrase is on this site a lot....and although i have been judged a bit by my old friends......i also do not think i can have friends without if i had a friend.....and found out he was beating or abusing his wife.....esp if she was also a friend....that would be a "condition" where he would no longer be my what does it mean...what about you?....oompa
"Unconditional love" there such a thing?...i am not sure........
by oompa 11 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think so. I mean, even some mothers will give up there kids.
Ask my kids...
I love them if they are bad or good.
I love them if they do well or not so well.
I love them if the love me or don't love me.
Of course, my unconditional love is not perfect but then I am not.
Now my Dad in Heaven, He has got it down to a tee :)
All the best,
I have never believed in unconditional love. I didn't as a witness and don't now. It would take a hell of a lot for one of my loved ones to make me stop loving them, and the love that I've had for them in the past can never be erased, but there are definitely certain conditions under which I would no longer love a person. I don't have children, though, so I cannot speak from a parental POV.
Everything has conditions whether we want to accept it or not.
Even God and Jesus have conditions to meet according to the bible. Even tho it reports they loved us first and love
doesn't keep account of the injury, come Armageddon time they going to destroy a lot of people that didn't meet their
Same way with me. Oompa I might love to have you come to my house and visit sometime but if when you got here
you started busting my dishes and destroying my furniture then I would no longer love having you around the house
and ask you to leave. So even on a simple thing such as that there is always conditions we have to meet in order to
feel the love reciprocated.
I love my kids uncondtionally. I don't think they could ever do anything bad enough to make me stop.
As for other people, then no, it's not possible for me.
Sure, my dog seems to have that quality.
Loyal JW's are not capable of unconditional love. You cannot be fully and truly loved by a JW unless you are also a faithful JW. This is a recipe for family disfunction and a painful, hurtful thing to undergo once the supportive love of your family is pulled out from under you in a flash.
Scarred for life
I agree with you that JWs are taught NOT to give unconditional love. Even to their children. The result: family dysfunction, pain, hurt. And then they blame it all on Satan.
Oompa..I know your kids have pissed you off..You still love them!..
There is unconditional love..It just depends on who it is..