Will this hurt?

by PollyAnnaBanana 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • PollyAnnaBanana

    Gee, thanks so much to everyone who responded. I really appreciated your comments. I know I have to go forward and take it one day at a time. It sounds like everyone here has an experience of "getting out" and surviving. Fortunately, I'm on my own. No JW husband or children. Soooooo, I get to build a new life. It just seems "strange" when you grow up believing that there's nothing else out there that's REAL but the WTBTS.

    Thank you, Polly

  • YoYoMama

    Why are they forming a judicial committe against you?

  • borgfree


    I thought much like you do when I left. However the bible promises that if you lose father, mother, houses etc., you will gain many times that, even in this system. I found that to be true. You can check with several sites that have ex-jw databases. Randy Watters, PFO Ministries, and others. There are probably ex's in your area.


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • NameWithheld

    See yoyo, like a typical JW (yes I'm sterotyping), ignores the pain and crisis you are going through and goes straight for the gossip. Probably wishes he could hear all the sordid, juicy details of whatever 'crime' it is they think you commited. Nothing feeds a JW like gossiping about other - they love to 'know the dirt'.

  • rekless

    Your question, "Will it hurt?" It has to do with what frame of mind are you in.
    If you don't care and you want to get on with your life then it will hurt only a little bit, what hurts the most is the lies the congregation will make up on the reason you left and the absolute lack of discliplen that the elders have for trying to stop any rumors..
    If you are able and want to it maybe advantagios for you to relocate. Even if it is just down the road or to the other side of town... just give yourself time to heal and time to realize that they were the jerks not you.

    After awhile you don't care if they speak to you or not.Matter of a fact you will just ignore them and treat them as worldly people. Meet them on the street say hi, just as you would anyother person you would pass on the street.

    I DAed myself the Later I was DFed, don't know how that worked, but
    the lie was spread about me that I had become a Warlock.

    So , you can't make everybody happy so you might as well please yourself.

    take care

  • picosito

    Guess people put all their eggs in one basket (the wrong one) when they become JW's.

  • YoYoMama

    Namewithheld: I bet you want to know also. What are you talking about gossip for?, that's what this board is all about. Nice, juicy, gossip.

  • picosito

    Guess people put all their eggs in one basket (the wrong one) when they become JW's.

  • NameWithheld2

    Sorry yoyoyoyoyoyo, I could care less about whatever the inqusition being set upon her was for. I can read a good novel if I want sex/murder/lies/whatever. I'll leave people personal affairs to themselves if that the way they want it.

    This board is not for gossip, though that's done to an extent, the main point here is for discussion, which is NOT gossip.

  • PollyAnnaBanana


    I have no problem sharing what's going on. I THINK it's pretty innocent. But what do I know? I've been guilty of "independent thinking" for a while now. You know, asking questions about the new light on "this generation" and previous things published or believed that never came to pass. I also couldn't see the problem with reading things about religion, etc. that weren't published by the Society. I mean, if the WTBTS has the Truth, shouldn't it be obvious after any investigation?

    Also, I briefly dated a nice worldly man from work. Nothing sexual happened. Theater, movies, dinner and great conversation. But I broke it off after I was counseled. But what is now bringing me before the judicial committee is my recent visits to my DFed best friend. We grew up together as JWs. She's a couple of years older than me (I'm 19). She is the nicest person and came out as a lesbian, which is certainly not my thing. So, no sexual behavior there. But people think the worst and now people are saying I'm gay. I think my mother turned me in being the "good" Witness she is. And I've been counseled about associating with her before. So, I'm a trouble-making bad girl.

    So there you have it.


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