If this is your wish, what age do you not wish to live past?
Most people say they do not want to live forever.
by John Doe 30 Replies latest jw friends
haha great question.
John Doe
Sounds different when put in those terms, huh.
actually this is a line of reasoning that the WT used - one that is quite strong, imo.
I am not sure about the afterlife, or whats going to happen.
but i know if i could live forever, i would.
The age at which I can no longer serve any useful purpose. I would be happy to live to 75, and then die. I don't want to drag on forever. I don't want to become a burden to anyone. I don't want to drain resources that younger people could use better. That's it. Quit being a smart ass and wise-up.
You are going to die. Deal with it.
- Lime
John Doe
HOL, 75 is your answer then?
Eh, 75, 65, 45.. all that matters is 'do my actions matter in the long term for life on this planet?" When I can no longer serve a purpose (improvements to human knowledge, reproduction, and/or supporting the struggle of all life), then there is no longer any point to living. If I don't serve a purpose, then the neurons firing off in my brain have no consequence, no meaning, and I might as well flick the on/off switch to 'off'.
I do NOT want to end up in some retirement home. Having a bunch of younger people serve me that could be doing something useful. To hell with that. I would rather be a bonfire. Burn fast and bright and go out suddenly when the fuel is gone.
Life is all that matters, from humankind to the smallest bacteria's growing in the sea. Because when the next storm hits, and human life is potentially wiped out, the tiny things hold as much potential for greatness than any other creature on this planet.
- Lime
John Doe
Do you not find your sentiment incredibly demeaning to people in retirement homes or even just retired people in general? I suspect your value measurement is slightly askew.
well, eternal life would only be good with somewhat eternal youth... like staying 35 forever or something.
or, if you were old, but free of pain and sickness...
i would not want to be 85 for a millenia... lol... the way things currently are for 85 year olds...
John Doe
Biolgically, our purpose is served when we reproduce and our children are gone. Yes?