"This app has been well thought out and would work very well in the field.. In saying that I have done some research on this subject and found that: For some years now the Society has recommended that record keeping for Field Service should be completed on the "house to house rocord" slips and NOT kept electronically on a computer or electronic device.With that in mind, using this application is a matter for each persons conscience. I for my part have decided not to use this application. Before doing so it might be a good idea to do some research into this matter, ask Jehovah for help, maybe ask the Elders for their knowledge on the subject and as a last resort only, contact the Society."
Oh, please - I'm going to pray to God or ask my spiritual leaders for advice on using an electronic organizer. Although most JWs shouldn't even own an I-Phone. The CA last fall demonized any electronic device that was either expensive or required a manual to learn how to operate (because that is money and time we could be devoting to the life-saving preaching work!) I can't believe a year ago I would have thought the same thing. I know if I had read this a year ago, I would have nodded knowingly and felt a twinge of guilt if I had even considered using the program.
jwfacts said it best: that the term "conscience matter" is an effective means of identifying "spiritually weak" JWs.