Bitchy women at work..."hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" Why girls?
by Witness 007 54 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Well dear, that may be your experience, but it doesn't mean it holds true elsewhere. I work with a guy who fits your description perfectly. I myself have always been the diplomat in customer service situations. I'm the one they call in to smooth things over.
What's with all the generalizations around here lately??
Hm, I have feeling this might get nasty
If you "wrong" these girls they will make it their life's goal to drill you a new as##ole!
Ahh ha. Of course if you misstep with a man, things are just rosy
Of course not Jonesy.
I'm sick of the generalizations too. Still fuming over the "black acting white" crap.
Witness 007
Not talking about one or two here....15% of the girls are good with customers and I really respect that..but the majority really suck...make my job hard...don't get me wrong though I loves the ladies! Just makes my work difficult...and WHILE I'm calming them down they step in from the side lines to put in their 2 cents????? Then fume for days about how it went down.....UNREAL!
I worked with an incredibly bitchy woman. She made my working life miserable.
So you guys have never worked with any real a$$holes? Male?
I personally haven't.