I have spent literally hundreds of hours discussing with the C.O. or other elders how some of us elders disagreed with a certain elders' actions and what could be done about it. Or that a certain elder was doing a certain thing, or acting a certain way. Let me tell those of you that haven't been elders, they spend a lot of time arguing over what to do with whatever situation is the latest thing, or whatever elder is being unkind, or strict, or not strict enough, or lazy, or who to recommend as a servant or an elder, or who to remove, or whatever. Elders meetings routinely last 4 or 5 hours, no matter what the Society says. It is an absolute circus sometimes.
Recently an elder told me he had spent two weeks researching and discussing with other elders in other Halls, and the circuit overseer, whether or not to DELETE A MINISTERIAL SERVANT WHO PLAYED VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES. Some elders said yes delete, some said no. This was a very big deal to that elder. And the older ones who are never visited? The poor? The children?
Sometimes its regional, in some congregations the elders focus on music, or dress, or education, or materialism or who knows what else.
And they argue with the bro's from the other Hall about all this, and about the brother that moved or the remodeling, or the security system, or whether this certain elder qualifies, or this certain Ministerial Servant who may not qualify.
Elders DISAGREE all the time, and even feud, and talk about each other to other elders, and call elders in other Halls, and ask the C.O. Around the earth right now, elders are arguing somewhere.
Have you found this to be true? Feuding elders? Hours and hours of wasted time?