Which one is worst in the WT eyes?
Sex outside of the marriage vs. Celebrating Christmas
by asilentone 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think they view sex outside of marrige as worse- actually, I think that some people are so scarred from hearing about the evils of sex, they think that sex in a marriage is evil!
Celebrating Christmas is apostasy.
I thought so, leavingwt, I would like to see the WT article that mentions anyone that celebrates Christmas is an apostate.
not sure.....i would have to try them side by side in order to give an informed answer........oompa
Adultery is merely "weakness of the flesh," while Christmas is blatant "paganasim."
You'd probably be disfellowshipped for adultery, but all you need to do is act like you were weak and you'd be reinstated eventually. Celebrating Christmas, on the other hand, would be viewed as apostacy.
It depends--one could succumb to a weakness if relatives invite one to a Christmas party (or one at work), or a person cannot resist the new-fangled Christmas lights and new Christmas music. However, if one does it on purpose, one is viewed as supporting another religion.
Personally, I do not see anything wrong with either. Fornication and test-driving a car you intend to buy are about the same level, and one should celebrate at least something whether one believes in the religious aspect or not. What I do see something wrong with is when someone pries into the business of others (where no harm is being done to society, especially when initiatory force or fraud is not involved in the original matter) and threatens the person with getting their lives ruined and probable destruction.
Gay sex with Santa Claus, that is the absolute worst.
Sex is weakness and Christmas is apostate, as mentioned.
Halloween is even worse. -
Celebrating Christmas is apostasy. Ok, I have a question (And I'm not being an ass, honest!) Did they change that policy? When I was going to meetings, they would always say, "We don't force our members not celebrate holidays, birthdays, yada yada. It's a conscience matter." Although you were pretty much told how your conscience should be thinking.
Yes Jadeen, it is a conscience matter, until you do it. Then elders will speak to you and if you do not acquiesce to their conscience's, beg forgivingness, and promise never to do it again, well who nows where it will go. It is just like you do not have to hand in a service report. True you don't, but try it and you become first irregular and I don't mean going to the throne, then inactive. After that you will be considered to be all sorts of negative things by the elder body, treated like shitte and viewed as not having Jehovah's favor, or in JW speak not being one of them. bin there done that.