Who was your favorte character in looney tunes?
by John Doe 39 Replies latest jw friends
I think John got it right !
Foghorn leghorn is hard to beat!
foghorn, when he measures the dog chain, and procedes to whip his ass. priceless
After Bugs Bunny, in Hana Barbera, I like Precious Pup and Pa Bear, of the Hillybilly bears.
This is one of the toughest questions I've ever seen on JWN. Seriously, I can't decide. I love Daffy. But I also love Bugs, Porky Pig, Speedy Gonzales... hell, I love 'em all! I just need to get these cartoons for my kids- the UNedited versions! Too violent for children my ass. Classics!
Yeah, it's almost impossible to limit it to just one. What creative genius Looney Tunes was.
BUGS BUNNY- hands down ! " Eh, what's up Doc ? " He was just too cool for school. LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I was always partial toward the roadrunner, "Beep, beep!"
horrible life
I think you're thinking of Witch Hazel Horrible Life.
Thanks I quit!!! Can't believe I couldn't think of it. My mom used to use Witch Hazel on her face. Every time I saw it, it reminded me of her.