I posted this on another thread, but it didn't get any response so I'll post it here:
I skimmed through the first four chapters. Here's some of what I found (I'll try and look through the rest later)
Early on the true purpose is laid out very clear:
(1) to strengthen our conviction that Jehovah by means of his holy spirit is backing the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work, (2) to stimulate our zeal for the ministry by examining the example of first-century followers of Christ and (3) to deepen our respect for Jehovah's organization and for those taking the lead in the preaching work and in overseeing the congregations. -p9
The aim of the chapters that follow is, not to provide a verse-by-verse discussion of Acts, hut to draw lessons from the events recounted in that Bible book and help us to see how we can make personal applicahon of points learned. -p9
I found the placement of circular reasoning preceding a boastful claim about credulity entertaining:
The faith of true Christians today is likewise based on 'many post tive proofs." Is there evidence that Jesus lived on earth, died for our sins, and was raised up? Absolutely! Reliable eyewitness accounts in God's inspired Word provide all the convincing evidence we need. Studying these accounts prayerfully can greatly strengthen our faith. Remember. solid evidence can make the difference between genuine faith and mere credulity. Real faith is essential to gaining everlasting Ilfe.-John 316.
More exclusive jibberish as usual:
Today, only those with spiritual discernment realize that Jesus is present in kingly power. (Luke 17:20] We need to dlscern the evidence of his presence and convey it to others so that they too may see the urgency of our times.
Layering language created by the modern day organization (aka 'Watchtower speak) over top of Biblical stories. This is used to make the two removed experiences (modern JWs and early christianity) seem as though they are the same.
"Those followers of Christ now faced an important organizational need. and the apostle Peter took the lead in addressing it (Verses 15 26) Is it not comforting to note how far Peter had come in the weeks since he had three times denied his Lord? (Mark 1472) We are all prone to sin, and we need reminders that Jehovah is "good and ready to forgive" those who sincerely repent-Ps. 86:5.
The episode in Acts regarding cast lots has long been an embarassing text imo. I laughed out loud when reading the Watchtowers new argument. They indirectly address the unsettling aspects of the story (specifically, that Gods servents rely upon games of chance to make important decisions!), and then go on to say this provides an excellent example of how gods organization functions!
HOW was the selection made? By casting lots, a common practice in Bible times. (Prov. 16:33) However, this is the last time that the Bible shows lots being used in this way.Evidently, the later outpouring of holy spirit rendered that method obsolete. Note, though, why lots were used. The apostles prayed: "You, 0 Jehovah. who know the hearts of all, designate which one of these two men you have chosen." (Acts 1:23,24) They wanted the choice to be Jehovah's. Matthias, likely one of the 70 disciples whom Jesus had sent out to preach, was chosen. Thus, Matthias became one of "the twelve."*--Acts 6:2.
This incident reminds us of the importance of organization among God's people. To this day, responsible men are selected to serve as over- seers in the congregation. The elders carefully consider the Scriptural quatifications required of such averseers, and they pray for the guidance of holy spirit The congregation thus views such men as appointed by holy spirit For our part we remain submissive and obedient to their lead promoting a cooperative spirit in the congregation.-Heb. 13:17.
The Watchtower has long considered there to be a "break" in the history of "true christiantiy". Here they almost seem to be claiming that the Chrisitan congregation has been growing ever since 33 C.E. It's also another example of the "layering" I mentioned eairler:
*The Christian congregabon began with about 120 disciples who were "all together at the same place"-an upper room-and who were nanointed with holy spirit. [Acts 2:l) By the end of that day, baptized members of that congregation numbered into the thousands. And that was just the beginning of the growth of an organization that continues to expand today! Yes, a community of God-fearing men and women-the modern-day Christian congregation-is the means by which the "good news of the kingdom" is being "preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nabons" before the end of this system of things. -Matt. 24: 14.
Remember, you're never suppose to take credit for anything you do, just in case you were thinking about it:
The apostles were modest men. They did not take credit for the miraculous deed they had performed. Peter said to the crowd: "Why are you gazing at us as though by personal power or godly devotion we have made him walk?" (Acts 3:12) Peter and the other apostles knew that any good they accomplished in their ministry was due to God's power, not their own. As a result, they modestly directed all praise for their achievements to Jehovah and Jesus.
I found this statment curious:
The court ordered the apostles to stop preaching. In that society, the court's orders carried much weight.