I was at the KH today, and the Brother giving the talk mention this. That while he was in the church, a popular belief by the people. Was that God was "Just walkin along, got lonely and decided to create". These are not the exact words but they are along this line. He then said "as JWs who know the Truth, we know that God never gets lonely! He doesn't need us or anything to suffice him". This makes you think, IMHO that what would God be without his creation? What would Love be without something to give it to? What would Justice, Wisdom, and Power be without something to show it to? I can only conclude THAT HE NEEDED US to manifest himself/herself. But then again Why create a Spirit and Physical realm? Wouldn't either or be enough? Anyways I know I get lonely. Since I can't bring myself to find a WORDLY GIRLFRIEND and can't pay a prostitute for her services. In the mean time I will do with my Fleshlight(www.Fleshlight.com). I'm not trying to emphasize a sexual loneliness but being the Fact that I now know the Truth about the Truth. I am no longer interested in JW women. Bottom line, I need to get my ass out of this prison. Please someone shoot me!
by whathehadas 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
compound complex
Welcome whathehadas,
Apart from whatever truth there may or not be in the speaker's comments, you need to take care of yourself and adjust - slowly and surely - to your new reality. It takes time, but you can be alone and not lonely. Now you are free to choose your associates without the phony labels.
Be patient with yourself. Stay here and learn that cyber-friends can be genuine in their concern for you and vice-versa.
Hope to chat again soon.
Which sleeves do you have?
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
God knows you're lonely, whathehadas, that's why he made mosquitoes.
There now, isn't that much better company than a WORDLY GIRLFRIEND!
B the X
Good one, billy.
C. T. Russell
What is the Society’s current stance on, urm, devices? I think you would be better off with a worldly girlfriend. A worldly girlfriend won’t necessarily get you df'd. The other thing will get you shunned for sure. And not just by JW's.
sacolton – I googled your comment. You are just wrong. -
Sacolton I have the Regular Pink Lady and the Brooke Skye Lotus. Satanus they can't shun me if they don't know about it. If I had a worldly girl, this would be a automatic red light by the Elders If they found out.
Which sleeves do you have?
An artificial vagina? Just one step closer to a stepford wife. LOL